RE: Semantic web discussions

> - would be nice to have some sort of shared calendar where to 
> put CFPs and conference dates. Not sure is possible with
> but would be nice. Also a "semantic" application for the 
> management of this 
> kind of advertising would be interesting (using SWRC for 
> instance). I am thinking to the way many people usually check
> around the world: they periodically write the dates in a calendar and 
> then decide where to go from a calendar view.

The OntoWorld Wiki <> has a section
for Events, intended for exactly this purpose. It's already well
populated so lets make even better use of that. It's backed by Semantic
Mediawiki, so the semantic capabilities are already there :)

> - CFPs and similar posts could reamin in the SW mailing list, 
> but their 
> posting could be improved by very simply establishing a 
> common prefix in 
> the Subject, like "[CFP]". This way we could accomodate both who read 
> such type of posts together with the rest, and who prefer to filter.

I would vote against creating a new list. Event announcements are a
pretty key feature of the community IMHO and it would be a shame to
ghettoise these in a different location. Perhaps an automatic [SW]
subject line prefix on all mails would be a good start, plus [ANN] or
[CFP] added manually by the sender where appropriate.

As a general rule I think many CFP mails could benefit from not using
the event acronym in the subject line; I probably don't know what
YASWE2007 stands for, but spelling it out makes it much easier for me to
filter manually by scanning the subject line.



Received on Thursday, 17 May 2007 13:41:48 UTC