Re: Can an XPath expression be considered as a

Laurent LE MEUR wrote:
> Jacco,
> Thanks for your answer.
> I infer from your statement (please confirm) that there is no problem 
> with the following N3:
> <//*[@id='person1' or @id='person2']> nar:conceptId pers:gw.bush .
No, that was not my intention.  I must admit I was mainly looking at the 
examples in the Annotea document, and overlooked the or-expression in 
your example. I'm not sure of the intended semantics of the 'or' above.

I also assumed you wanted to use path expressions to refer to a fragment 
in an XML document, e.g. to another document than the N3 document that 
contains the example triple, and that the example syntax was just a 
short hand for the full (absolute URI), that would include the reference 
to the XML document and all the proper wrapping and escaping to make it 
a valid XPointer.
Sorry for the confusion,


Received on Saturday, 16 June 2007 19:37:29 UTC