Re: What if an URI also is a URL

On 2007-06 -09, at 21:22, M. David Peterson wrote:

> On Sat, 09 Jun 2007 07:13:52 -0600, Tim Berners-Lee <>  
> wrote:
>> No. It cannot identify both a document and a person.
> Tim: Will all due respect... WTF?

I am using the 'identify' in the strict sense of 'denote'.
The semantic web is like a logic language in which URIs are symbols.

So, the URI, say denotes your home page.  You can use many things to  
*indirectly* identify yourself,
such as your email mailbox, home page, FOAF page, passport, and so on.

> Wait, hold up.  Let me step back.  I have a *DEEP* admiration and  
> respect for you.  Always have.  As such, I have to step back and  
> realize there is obviously a reason why you have made this  
> statement.  With this in mind,
> At this URI you will find my personal web page.  That web page  
> links to my various blogs and projects that exist on the web.
> Embedded into this page is an OpenID delegation that specifies  
> "Here's who I am.  Here's where you can go to invoke an  
> authentication process that, when complete, provides reasonable  
> assurance that I am the person who maintains control of that  
> particular URI ( and as such I should be allowed access  
> to perform the various operations I have been given permission to  
> perform on your web site."
> So we have a web page that represents me.

The word 'representation' is one which gets used with a very specific  
meaning too.
How about: you are its subject, it is about you. It indirectly  
identifies you as

"The person whose openid page is <>."
Written in N3,

[ openid:page <> ]

This use of terms in specific ways is always a trap of course. In  
common parlance we say 'Marmaduke, easily identified by his untidy  
shock of orange hair'

I hope this clarifies things.


Received on Monday, 11 June 2007 14:31:19 UTC