Re: What if an URI also is a URL

On 06/06/2007 19:51, r.j.koppes wrote:
> But if, on the web page there is a section 
> with id "me", how do I refer to that particular section in the web page 
> in a RDF document (which might contain anything, even unrelated to me as 
> a person)? How do I make sure that the reader (machine / human) 
> interprets this reference as being a web location (fragment in web page) 
> instead of the thing, me.

Be careful not to mix up the resource identified by and the representation obtained by 
looking up The resource doesn't change 
but the representation might depending on headers you send and the time 
when you send them.

By convention I would expect #me in the HTML document to be some markup 
describing the same thing that #me in the RDF document refers to. 
Remember the RDF document you get is also markup expressing information. 
Different representations of the same resource.

Now, if you want to assert things about that particular fragment of the 
particular HTML document you got when you issued a GET to the server 
then you need to identify that by specifying all the criteria you used 
to obtain it: the URI, the headers and the time.

It might look something like this made up example:

   a ex:HtlmlFragment ;
   ex:isIdentifiedBy <> ;
   ex:partOf <> ;
   ex:contentType "text/html" ;
   ex:timeObtained "2007-06-07T08:50:00Z" ;
   ex:note "Needs checking for factual correctness" .

work -
play -

Received on Thursday, 7 June 2007 17:40:44 UTC