Re: literals are resources too

>>       not true). I'd like to see something like <xsd:integer
>>       rdf:literalAbout="123"/>, where "123" plays an analogous role to
>>       rdf:about. This is the same thing has saying <rdf:Description
>>       rdf:type="xsd:integer" rdf:literalAbout="123"/>. Suddenly we get

> im a bit unclear (perhaps since i don't know rdf/xml). what is the URI for the literal
> resource. is it a blank node? or is the URI just '123' ?

If we wanted to change the RDF model, I could imagine getting rid of
literals from RDF triples, and then reintroducing them as an attribute
(not an RDF property) of resources - like a sort of intrinsic
value for the resource.

I guess you could do that with the current RDF model, if you
restricted your data to not allowing Literals to be used anywhere
other than as the object of rdf:value.  You could then do literals as
subjects, by doing a bnode as the subject with an rdf:value of the


Received on Friday, 27 July 2007 08:25:08 UTC