Re: RDF+Transformation = XHTML or is there sth like inverse GRDDL?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007, 10:32:00 PM, Andreas Langegger wrote:

> I wonder if there is something (or has been proposed sth) like a concept
> to add a transformation to plain RDF resulting in an XHTML document.

I've ran XSLT transforms over RDF in alternative syntaxes such as TriX
and RXR before. It works, but these formats aren't very
human-readable, so I started to design an alternative XML syntax for
RDF; one that is designed explicitly for XSLT processing.

It is still a work in progress:

The abbreviated forms are all mandatory where they can be used, which
makes serialisation a bit trickier than other syntaxes, but makes
processing via XPath a lot easier.

The one-statement-deep hierarchical structure simplifies XPath
matching, because the XPath context can be used to locate all
statements with the same subject, or subject/predicate.

The format also has GRDDL linkage, so you should be able to load
document instances directly into any GRDDL enabled tool.


Received on Tuesday, 3 July 2007 22:18:41 UTC