2nd Call for Papers for OntoLex07 - From Text to Knowledge: The Lexicon/Ontology Interface

2nd and final call for papers for OntoLex07 - From Text to Knowledge: 
The Lexicon/Ontology Interface


Workshop at ISWC07, the 6th International Semantic Web Conference 
November 11th , 2007
Busan, South-Korea

Endorsed by SIGSEM (Association of Computational Linguistics SIG on 
Computational Semantics http://www.aclweb.org/sigsem) and the NEON 
project (http://www.neon-project.org/)
And in coordination with the ISO Working Group on Language Resource 
Management (http://www.tc37sc4.org/)

The OntoLex workshop series is concerned with the interface between 
knowledge representation in ontologies and the representation and use of 
linguistic knowledge as encoded in (multilingual) lexicons. Previous 
OntoLex workshops were held in Sozopol (2000), Las Palmas (2002), Lisboa 
(2004), Jeju (2005), Genoa (2006). The extraction of ontology elements 
from textual data is a pre-requisite for many Semantic Web applications. 
Hence the interface between ontologies (describing objects in a domain) 
and the lexicon (describing the linguistic features of terms that refer 
to such objects) is becoming increasingly important. We invite 
submission of papers on the following topics in this interdisciplinary 
research area:

The lexicon/ontology interface
* Design principles for the integrated representation of lexical and 
ontological knowledge
* The lexicon/ontology interface in multilingual and cross-cultural 
aspects of ontologies

The lexicon in Semantic Web applications
* The role of (multilingual) lexicons in knowledge markup and ontology 
population, i.e. in ontology-based information extraction from text
* Lexical aspects in ontology learning from text, i.e. in (multilingual) 
term extraction, relation extraction, etc.
* Lexical approaches to ontology matching, i.e. in the extraction, 
representation and use of synonyms for mapping between class/property 
* Reengineering lexicons as ontologies, e.g. porting wordnets and 
framenets to the Semantic Web

Ontologies in knowledge-based Natural Language Processing
* Ontological constraints on lexicon development for knowledge-based NLP
* Ontologies as resources for NLP-based tasks (question answering, 
document classification, text mining, expert search, etc.)

Important Dates
August 1, 2007: Submission Deadline
September 1, 2007: Notification
October 1, 2007: Camera-ready Version
November 11, 2007: Workshop

Papers must be in English, not exceed 10 pages and should be formatted 
in LNCS style (Springer format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science 
series). For complete details, see Springer's Author Instructions 
(http://www.springer.com). Papers must be submitted electronically 
through the conference submission site 

Organizing Committee
Paul Buitelaar, Competence Center Semantic Web - DFKI, Germany
Key-Sun Choi, Semantic Web Research Center - KAIST, South-Korea
Aldo Gangemi, Laboratory for Applied Ontology - CNR, Italy
Chu-Ren Huang, Institute of Linguistics - Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Alessandro Oltramari, Cogito S.r.l., Italy

Program Committee
Timothy Baldwin, University of Melbourne, Australia
John Bateman, University of Bremen, Germany
Philipp Cimiano, Karlsruhe University, Germany
Nigel Collier, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Shu-Kai Hsieh, National I-Lan University, Taiwan
Asanee Kawtrakul, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Atanas Kiryakov, Ontotext, Bulgaria
Kiyong Lee, Korea University, South-Korea
Alessandro Lenci, University of Pisa, Italy
Sujian Li, Peking University, China
Marjorie McShane, University of Maryland, USA
Martha Palmer, University of Colorado, USA
Robert Porzel, University of Bremen, Germany
Laurent Prévot, University of Toulouse, France
Lu Qin, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Armando Stellato, University of Rome, Italy
Tokunaga Takenobu, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Jun Ichi Tsuji, Tokyo University, Japan
Paola Velardi, University of Rome, Italy
Johanna Voelker, Karlsruhe University, Germany
Chris Welty, IBM, USA

Workshop Registration
All workshop participants must register for ISWC 2007


Dr. Paul Buitelaar -- DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken, Germany
Senior Researcher at the Language Technology Lab and
co-head of DFKI Competence Center Semantic Web
web:   http://dfki.de/~paulb
email: paulb@dfki.de
skype: ppbuitelaar
phone: +49 681 302-5325
fax:   +49 681 302-5338
Language Technology Lab -- http://www2.dfki.de/lt/
Competence Center Semantic Web -- http://semanticweb.dfki.de

Received on Monday, 2 July 2007 11:35:33 UTC