[ann] Longwell 2.4.2 maintenance release

On behalf of the SIMILE project, I'd like to announce the maintenance
release of Longwell 2.4.2.  This release fixes a critical bug introduced 
in the previous release due to our use of beta versions of Jetty in 
Maven which have since been superceded.  The bug prevented Longwell from 

To obtain the Longwell 2.4.2 packages, see:


This release includes fixes for other minor bugs as well.  It is 
slightly larger than the previous release due to ongoing work on our 
future plans, but there are no new features included in the working 

Note that if you use the .tar.gz distribution, certain versions of tar 
will complain about a 'lone zero block,' and others may fail; this has 
been attributed to differences in tar specifications.  The zero block 
message on its own is a warning and should still result in a usable 
distribution; if there is a failure, try using the .zip archive instead.

For documentation, see http://simile.mit.edu/longwell/

Ryan Lee                  ryanlee@csail.mit.edu
MIT CSAIL Research Staff  +1.617.253.5327

Received on Wednesday, 10 January 2007 03:24:16 UTC