UbiDeUM 2007 Call For Papers

[Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward this e-mail to anyone interested.]


Extended Paper Submission Deadline:
February 19th, 2007

International Workshop on Ubiquitous and Decentralized User Modeling
(in conjunction with UM'07

June 26, 2007
Corfu, Greece


Everyday work and leisure activities are supported and 
enhanced with many computerized systems recording partial
user experience. Information technologies such as web 
services, World Wide Web protocols and standards and 
mobile technologies are foundations for integrated 
user services available through the web or in ubiquitous 
environments such as smart houses, intelligent hospitals, 
city services, and so on. Web applications providing 
integrated services, such as open marketplaces, 
eLearning, as well as small personal computerized 
devices such as PDAs and smart phones that allow access 
to such services become widely available and even
essential tools in many situations. The ongoing 
penetration of computers into everyday life generates
so-called ubiquitous computing environments where 
computational power and networking capabilities are
available (and used) everywhere. However, in order 
to provide users with personalized services in these 
new environments some form of user modelling capability 
must be considered as an essential and integral aspect.

** Ubiquitous user modelling ** describes the ongoing
modelling of user behaviour within a variety of 
systems that share their user models and the 
exploitation of the models to achieve personalized
and context-adapted services. The shared user 
models can either be used for collective or for 
individual adaptation goals. In contrast to other 
environments, in ubiquitous environments, the 
dynamics are typically higher, the contextual factors 
more diverse and the computing resources of the 
agents / services and their connectivity more limited. 

** Decentralized user modelling ** studies how to 
combine fragmentary / episodic user data and make
the most sense of it in the specific context while
coping with limited processing resources. Unlike 
the first generation of web-based systems, where t
he assembled service is accessed through one point
(usually a web portal), in recent ubiquitous 
and service-oriented context specific environments,
(e.g. advertisement services or multi-player 
online games for cell phones or mobile tourist guides) 
there isn’t necessarily a central integration point. 
Instead, the service is dynamically created or
composed by several providers that must therefore 
coordinate and negotiate with one another in order 
to select the most suitable adaptation for the user. 
Systems that can share their user models have the ability 
to improve the coverage of user preferences (like 
combining movies preferences with books preferences 
and theatre preferences for leisure profile), level of
detail and the reliability of the integrated user models. 
Consequently the quality of adaptation that may 
be achieved, across a range of usage scenarios, is 
likely to increase. The development of semantic 
web technologies and standards in agents and 
web-services enable such sharing.


Currently, issues relating to ubiquitous and 
decentralized user modelling are gaining more 
and more attention from research groups representing
the user modelling community, the HCI community, 
the multi-agent systems community, and the ubiquitous
computing community. Additional communities that 
are active in this area include those concentrating
on web services, service-oriented architectures 
and innovative information systems. Many of 
these communities are moving away from a 
technically focused approach and starting 
to consider more user-centred approaches to 
context awareness and adaptation is among 
their central research problems. The goal of 
this workshop is to bring together both academic
and industrial researchers from these communities
to discuss new and innovative approaches to ubiquitous
and decentralized user modelling, to enhance 
the exchange of ideas and concepts, to determine 
the veins along the research should proceed and
to go one step further towards achieving the 
widespread adoption personalization in ubiquitous computing.


Ubiquitous user modelling implies new challenges of 
scalability, scrutability, privacy and trust. 
Furthermore, new issues of decentralization and integration
have to be addressed. Topics of interest include, 
but are not limited to:
- Generic user modelling in mobile and ubiquitous computing
- Context aware ubiquitous user modelling (in mobile and 
  distributed environments)
- Construction and acquisition of distributed user models
- Semantic web approaches for user modelling 
  (i.e. user model ontologies)
- Privacy, security and trust in decentralized user modelling
- Personalized and adaptive applications and 
  interfaces in decentralized and ubiquitous environments
- Case studies, user experience and evaluation of 
  ubiquitous and decentralized UM approaches
- Distributed architectures and interoperability 
  of personalized applications like recommender systems,
  adaptive hypermedia, e-learning, adaptive navigation 
  guides, personalized shopping guides, etc.
- Service-oriented architectures for decentralized 
  and ubiquitous user modelling and adaptive systems
- Dynamic changes and their implications on the 
  adaptive services in decentralized and ubiquitous environments
- Knowledge modelling, integration and management
  for personalization in constrained environments
- Reasoning methods in constrained environments
- Personalized content authoring, delivery and 
  access in mobile environments
- Personalized multimedia applications
- Ubiquitous access to personalized applications
- Challenges for user personalization in 
  mobile/distributed environments


Workshop paper submissions deadline:		February 19, 2007     **Extended**
Notification of acceptance/rejection:		March 12, 2007		
Camera ready deadline for the UbiDeUM workshop:	April 10, 2007


* Shlomo Berkovsky (http://cs.haifa.ac.il/~slavax/)
* Keith Cheverst (http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/staff/kc/)
* Peter Dolog ( http://www.cs.aau.dk/~dolog)
* Dominik Heckmann (http://www.dfki.de/~heckmann)
* Tsvi Kuflik (http://mis.hevra.haifa.ac.il/~tsvikak/Home.htm)
* Jérôme Picault (Motorola Labs, France)
* Phivos Mylonas (http://www.image.ntua.gr/~fmylonas/)
* Julita Vassileva (http://julita.usask.ca)


The planned length of the workshop is one day. Accepted 
contributions will be published in the workshop proceedings 
and will be made available on the Web. Depending on 
the quality of the accepted contributions, a post-conference 
special issue journal publication will be envisaged. 
For long papers we plan 20 minutes for the presentation and
5 minutes for the discussion, and for short papers we 
plan 10 minutes for the presentation plus 
5 minutes for the discussion.


Prospective contributors are invited to submit full papers,
short papers and posters. Please use the following e-mail
address for the submission:

*** ubideum@gmail.com ***

A peer review process will be applied to all submissions, 
provided by the workshop’s Program Committee members, 
being selected among well-known researchers in the area.


All accepted papers will be published in the respective workshop proceedings,
to be published by an international publisher in the form of a book with an ISSN#.


Workshop submissions should be formatted according to the Springer paper format. 
but with margins of: TOP and BOTTOM - 3cm; LEFT and RIGHT - 3.5cm.
The page  limit is 8-10 pages for full papers, 4-5 pages for 
short papers, and 3 pages for poster submissions.


Lora Aroyo            Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Yannis Avrithis       National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Mathias Bauer         mineway GmbH, Germany
Joerg Baus            Saarland University, Germany
Bettina Berendt       Umboldt University Berlin, Germany
Boris Brandherm       Saarland University, Germany
Francesca Carmagnola  University di Torino, Italy
Pablo Castells        Universidad Autononoma de Madrid, Spain
Nadja de Carolis      University of Bari, Italy
Pedro Concejero       Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo, Spain
Cristina Gena         University di Torino, Italy
Anind Dey             Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Tatiana Gavrilova     St.Petersburg State Technical University, Russia
Geert-Jan Houben      Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Antony Jameson        DFKI, Germany
Judy Kay              University of Sydney, Australia
Alfred Kobsa          University of California, Irvine, USA
Yiannis Kompatsiaris  Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece
Alexander Kroener     DFKI, Germany
Daniel Kudenko        University of York, United Kingdom
Andreas Lorenz        Fraunhofer-Institut, Germany
Gord McCalla          University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Marcin Paprzycki      Warsaw School of Social Psychology, Poland
Myriam Ribiere        Motorola Labs, France
Ilaria Torre          University di Torino, Italy
Manolis Wallace       University of Indianapolis, Greece
Ingrid Zukerman       Monash University, Australia


UbiDeUM’2007 will take place on June 26th, 2007, in Corfu Holiday Palace in Corfu, Greece. 
More details about the workshop venue could be found at the UM'07 web site:


For any further information, please send an email to: 

Received on Monday, 12 February 2007 05:15:56 UTC