Re: RFC on 'Semantic Web Locationary'

Hi Ian,

IMH, newbie O, this is good and useful stuff.  I really appreciate the
human-friendly URIs.  You asked for feedback, so here are some issues
I ran into:

1) The web service response does not have a URI (e.g. the
CC:SuccessfulReply in,
so it's not straightforward to find statements about it.

    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="#Asia" />

2) When I dereference a continent, region or planet URI in one of the
pipian namespaces, I get a number of statements about that URI, and my
(forward-traversing) app is happy.  However, when I dereference a
country or subdiv (for instance,
<>) I get statements
about a different URI with an owl:sameAs edge to the original URI:

    <urn:iso:3166-1:AZ> owl:sameAs
    <> rdf:type rdfs:Resource

The point is that most of the information I get back is about
<urn:iso:3166-1:AZ> instead of the handy HTTP URI.  Why not turn the
owl:sameAs around and make statements about
<> instead?

3) The graphs you return contain a lot of what seem to me to be
unnecessary, redundant statements (for instance, statements about Asia
in the graph about Azerbaijan).  If I want information about Asia, I
can just dereference Asia's URI.

4) I noticed a circular owl:sameAs statement in each country and
region graph, dunno about other types.  I also don't know whether it

    <> owl:sameAs

5) The namespace declaration for the SWEET Space ontology is missing a
'#', which breaks a few URIs:

         xmlns:sweet = ""


Received on Wednesday, 7 February 2007 02:27:38 UTC