vcard/rdf, hcard, rfc: mapping of LABEL


while having fun writing a microformats2rdf converter, I noticed
that the new vcard/rdf draft[1] describes the domain of v:label
as v:Address. The RFC and hcard docs on the other hand associate
it with the card directly.

Although I personally see a reason to make it an address prop,
auto-mapping a label in hcard (which theoretically could appear
anywhere) to the corresponding address section is rather tricky.
Maybe you might consider tweaking the draft, although I don't
know how the different label types should be mapped to rdf then.

(I've been told that noone uses label in hcard anyway, so they
didn't add label types to the MF spec in the first place.)



Benjamin Nowack

Received on Friday, 2 February 2007 17:42:16 UTC