Re: An RDF Reification Syntax Idea


I mistyped "'all permutations become the same document' factor" and should 
have typed 'permutations becoming a document' factor.

I would like to clarify that a motivation in this style of reification and 
brainstorming in general is, in addition to referencing remote statements, a 
concise representation of multisource documents.  I've been thinking on 
multisource documents and provenance lately and efficiency in that area. 
What you said about databases, however, has gotten me thinking about trying 
to make this idea more compatible with combining of documents into larger 
graphs and the outputting of subgraphs.  I hadn't been considering that 
aspect at the same time and what would or should happen to these references 
during that process.  I will have to look into trying to make this idea more 
compatible with that.

- Adam 

Received on Thursday, 1 February 2007 03:03:29 UTC