Re: RDF/XML and named graphs

On 18 Dec 2007, at 14:33, Chris Richard wrote:
> Am I fundamentally misguided in believing that RDF/XML provides no
> benefits over other text formats like N3 and TriG, other than being,
> nominally, XML? XML tool support seems mostly invalidated by the fact
> that we're using a format designed to encode hierarchical data to
> encode non-hierarchical data. I can't figure out why I might want to
> use RDF/XML.

Tool support for RDF/XML is better than for N3 or other formats. There  
is more data available in RDF/XML. It is an official W3C standard.  
Those are the good things.

In every other regard, RDF/XML is a complete and utter train wreck.  
Adding named graph support to RDF/XML would be polishing a turd.


> Chris Richard
> On Dec 18, 2007 6:05 AM, Steffen Staab <> wrote:
>> Find here some uses (reports and software) described for explicit  
>> graph
>> names:
>> 1. Networked graphs providing (possibly recursive) views on other
>> resources:
>> 2. Querying for meta knowledge (provenance, certainty, source  
>> document,
>> etc.),
>>   which is stated about a graph as a whole (yes, "IRI1 a Graph" would
>> be useful here):
>> Cheers,
>> Steffen
>> Peter Ansell schrieb:
>>> Just skimming through that submission it is unclear why one would  
>>> want
>>> to publish a document which included sources from multiple different
>>> graphs interweaved. Is this document an authoritative reference for
>>> the triples from each of the graphs? Could you definitely retrieve  
>>> the
>>> graph source from its original definition and match the definitions?
>>> Duplicating information seems to lend itself to hazards with  
>>> importing
>>> two graphs into the same store...
>>> It would however be very helpful if it was your desire to augment  
>>> the
>>> original graph without having the authority to do so.
>>> Peter
>>> On 18/12/2007, Fabien Gandon <> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> W3C just published a member submission that may be relevant to this
>>>> discussion:
>>>>    RDF/XML Source Declaration
>>>>    Submitted by INRIA on 06 September 2007
>>>>    Published on 17 December 2007
>>>>    Submission
>>>>    W3C Staff Comment
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> --
>>>> Fabien -

Received on Tuesday, 18 December 2007 15:12:22 UTC