Re: RDF/XML and named graphs

A consequence of this will be that rdf clients that are unaware of  
this convention will load all the named graphs in to one. Is this an  
acceptable consequence?


On Dec 12, 2007, at 9:02 AM, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> Suggestion: create a new attribuite rdf:graph="URIRef" to provide  
> for named graph support in RDF/XML.
> ===
> I have noticed that both POWDER and OWL 1.1 want to use reification  
> in order to give metadata about triples (or more generally, parts  
> of graphs).
> It is known and documented (in RDF Semantics) that reification  
> reifies statements rather than triples, and so, at least according  
> to the formal semantics, the attempts to use reification in this  
> way, do not work.
> One of the motivations for the named graphs view of the world, was  
> to address such use cases.
> Unfortunately, the only serialization of named graphs suggested  
> uisng RDF/XML, is to have multiple files with one graph per file,  
> which is, at least, awkward.
> I think maybe we should change that, by updating RDF/XML to have an  
> additional attribute rdf:graph that can appear on typed nodes,  
> rdf:Description, and property elements.
> The value of the attribute is a (relative) URI that is resolved in  
> the normal way against the current inscope base URI.
> The semantics is that the triple(s) generated by this part of the  
> XML (and all its descendents) are added *both* to the RDF graph  
> corresponding to the file, and to the RDF graph named by the  
> attribute.
> If an RDF/XML file uses a URI as the value of an rdf:graph  
> attribute, then the RDF/XML file claims to give a complete  
> definition of the graph with that name.
> To give an example:
> <rdf:RDF xml:base="">
>  <owl:Class rdf:ID="RC" rdf:graph="#p">
>   <rdfs:comment>The class of resources on on</ 
> rdfs:comment>
>  </owl:Class>
>  <owl:Class rdf:ID="Blue">
>   <rdfs:comment>The set of all things that are blue</rdfs:comment>
>  </owl:Class>
> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#RC >
>   <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Blue" rdf:graph="#p" />
> </rdf:Description>
>  <rdf:Description rdf:about="#p"  rdf:graph="#p">
>   <foaf:maker rdf:resource="" />
>   <dcterms:issued>2007-12-04</dcterms:issued>
>  <wdr:validUntil>2008-12-03</wdr:validUntil>
>  </rdf:Description>
> </rdf:RDF>
> This then corresponds to teh following graphs:
> with
> @prefix eg:
> eg:RC rdf:type owl:Class .
> eg:RC rdfs:comment "The class of resources on on" .
> eg:Blue rdf:type owl:Class .
> eg:Blue rdfs:comment "The set of all things that are blue" .
> eg:RC rdfs:subGraphOf eg:Blue .
> eg:p foaf:maker <> .
> eg:p dcterms:issued "2007-12-04" .
> eg:p validUntil "2008-12-03" .
> eg:RC rdf:type owl:Class .
> eg:RC rdfs:comment "The class of resources on on" .
> eg:RC rdfs:subGraphOf eg:Blue .
> eg:p foaf:maker <> .
> eg:p dcterms:issued "2007-12-04" .
> eg:p validUntil "2008-12-03" .
> The semantics says that eg:p is interpreted as the graph given  
> above (the syntactic object) and that that group has foaf:maker  
> being whatever #david refers to, etc etc.
> thoughts?
> Jeremy

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2007 14:33:42 UTC