ambiguity in RDF/XML bnode short form?

I'm reading 
, which says that instead of,

    <rdf:Description ex:fullName="Dave Beckett" />

I can use,

  <ex:editor ex:fullName="Dave Beckett" />

There seems to be no qualification that the bnode object must have at 
least one property. From the text, then, I should be able to replace,




This is ambiguous with the same syntax for a plain literal object, as 
the following produces an identical info set:


What am I missing here? Shouldn't there be a qualification at 
that restricts the short form to bnodes with at least one property?

("If all of the property elements on a blank node element..." doesn't 
seem to be sufficient qualification, as "all of" applies to zero 
instances just as well as to 20 instances.)


Received on Sunday, 26 August 2007 22:33:10 UTC