GRDDL Working Draft Annoucned

Hey everyone,

    I remember there being some questions and ideas about GRDDL on this
list earlier. FYI, with my GRDDL WG chair hat on, we've just managed to
release the first Working Draft of the GRDDL Specification today [1],
and we also have Working Drafts on the Use-Cases [2] and a step-by-step
Primer [3]. We'd really appreciate your feedback and comments on these
Working Drafts!

>From our Working Group homepage [4], you can find a link to our comments
list at [5]. Also, today the W3C has just
sent out a press release [6] that you may find of interest.

For those of you not familiar with GRDDL, it provides a way to bridge
microformats and other XHTML-based data with RDF - in other words, an
easy-to-use way to use microformats to populate the Semantic Web, and to
use RDF to build even more powerful mash-ups from microformat data.

How? In a nutshell, "GRDDL is a mechanism for *G*leaning *R*esource
*D*escriptions from *D*ialects of *L*anguages. The GRDDL specification
introduces markup for declaring that an XML document includes gleanable
data and for linking to an algorithm, typically represented in XSLT, for
gleaning the resource descriptions from the document" [4].



Harry Halpin,  University of Edinburgh 6B522426

Received on Tuesday, 24 October 2006 22:48:36 UTC