AW: Controlled Vocabularies Aid Translation and Content Management

Hey Paola,

I'm working in the field of technical documentation/communication and could
follow your thoughts quite well.

:: Documentation is too often still an a-posteriori actitivity in system
:: developments, and is generally not sufficiently integrated with the early
:: stages of development.

YES; I totally agree. And this concerns different parts: the internal
documentation (that is handled internally like requirement specification
etc.), the external documentation (that is handed to customers) and mainly
the process of documentation and its workflow. My opinion is that
documentation is done mainly out of liability reasons and there is still a
big problem, that documentation should take the placeholder for knowledge
sharing and distribution, but as no-one really thinks a-priori about, to use
a conceptual model for that data (and I'm very conscious using here only
data and not information or knowledge because for me the last two terms are
not vaild, when we talk about something which is outside a human being), the
effect is somehow chaotic.

:: I would be interested to hear at what stage f their process do other
:: organisations place the semantic consistency issues -  but when it's left
:: for too late then a lot of work will have to done again.

It's quite interesting to see that concerning the external technical
documentation world there often exist  semantic approaches to optimize the
quality of documentation. But there are only few enterprises and/or
organisations thinking about how to optimize their documentation processing
using semantic approaches. And coming to the early stage of a product
lifecycle and their accompanying documents almost no conceptual modeling for
documentation purposes is done.
My experience is based on working in automotive enterprises,

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