DBin 0.5 "Athens GA" is out - group knowledge now http retrievable

Apologizes for multiple posts
Greetings all

DBin 0.5 "Athens GA" is now available for download.  Features of this

* Much improved RDFGrowth P2P RDF exchange algorithm , now up to .. 10x
* Much improved overall performance (err thanks Sesame guys for the support)
* BRAINLETS are now entirely based on the Eclipse extension model. New
structure allow for multiple instances of the same view kind  configured
and interconnected as wanted.
* Brainlet creators can now use new views such as the Aduna Clustermap view
* Brainlets auto update
* Multilingual! (starts in italian on italian machines ;-) more
languages to come)
* Query a running DBin installation via web interface. (preliminary)
* Improved console and command line support
* Hundreds of bugfixes and minor improvements
* Web accessibility of the knowledge authored by the Semantic Communities!

This latest is possibly the most important innovation in this release:
the knowledge created by the users within Semantic Communities is now
made available online (http retrievable).

Lets give an example. The following URL


Displays an XML file with the list of Semantic Communities hosted at our
"metasound" server. By parsing such list, one learns that some
communities publish their knowledge as RDF/XML dumps in stable http
retrievable URL.
e.g. the group named "ISWC2006" (knowledge about the International
Semantic Web Conference 2006) publishes its knowledge at


The publishing of this knowledge happens at regular intervals by a
client side configuration of the Community leader (the person that
created the community on the server). This means that said RDF/XML is
likely to be nicely filtered (dbin features digital signatures filters)
and contain inferenced triples so that to be usable "right away".

A machine readable list of worldwide advertised Semantic Community
servers is available from the dbin homepage at


With this addition the DBin scenario gains more focus: communities and
the dbin client as an agile, personalized way to author, browse, search
and interrelate local and remote knowledge + web publishing for external
visualization (e.g. via things like longwell) and reuse. For example,
the above mentioned ISWC 2006 communities has been used by some to
annotate real time with pictures, structured annotations and reviews the
papers as their respective talks as they were being presented.

Next versions are likely to stabilize this model so that a group has
each community has a URL which provides an RDF description of itself
with "seeAlso" links to the created knowledge. We're looking forward to
receive feedbacks with respect to this to see if and how this could be
shaped to make the most sense in the recent wave of "linked" rdf

As a reminder, DBin gives the ability for people to start their
Community and have a fully customized environment for their users
without any programming, that is, just by editing an XML file (+ adding
the proper ontologies).
The result looks like a full featured/networked Semantic Web
environment, but is created with an effort finally comparable with the
creation of an HTML page!

IMPORTANT: PLEASE HELP US, by providing feedback on this project:
we have prepared a simple "exercise" followed by a quick survey which
will greatly help to improve.


Thanks in advance for your participation and a special thanks to the
many who are contributing with their interest, suggestions, ideas and
code. Not last, we wish to thank all involved in the ISWC Semantic Web
Challenge for awarding DBin a prestigious 3rd overall position.

Please notice that DBin is fully OPEN SOURCE .. maybe your dream
distributed SW app is just an eclipse plugin away? :-)

On behalf of the DBin Team
Giovanni Tummarello

Universita' Politecnica delle Marche, ITALY

Received on Wednesday, 15 November 2006 02:43:49 UTC