Re: temporal relations

Ok, Dan Connolly pointed out [1] that I should have used  
log:includes. My original formula stated that if I find a graph that  
contains only { :Obj  now:temperature :Temp } then I can deduce what  
follows, whereas I meant to say that it should just contain that  
statement. Here is the correct N3.

@prefix now: <> .
@prefix : <> .
@prefix god: <http://eg.god/ont#> .
@prefix tr: <> .
@prefix log: <>.

{ <#blue> now:temperature "22" .
   <#white> now:temperature "21" .
   <#red> now:temperature "23" . }
                 :fetched [ :at "2006-03-23T10:00:00Z";
                                        :from < 
ssn/123456789> ] .

@forAll :Obj, :Temp, :FetchTime, :Fmla .
{ :Fmla :fetched [ :at :FetchTime ];
         log:includes { :Obj now:temperature :Temp } .  }
         => { :Obj god:timeslice  
[ tr:inCalendarClockDataType :FetchTime;
                               god:temperature :Temp ] .  } .

If you run cwm you get the statements I was looking for:

hjs@bblfish:1$ cwm time.n3 --think --filter=time.n3
      @prefix : <http://eg.god/ont#> .
      @prefix time: <#> .
      @prefix tr: <> .

     time:blue     :timeslice  [
              :temperature "22";
              tr:inCalendarClockDataType "2006-03-23T10:00:00Z" ] .

     time:red     :timeslice  [
              :temperature "23";
              tr:inCalendarClockDataType "2006-03-23T10:00:00Z" ] .

     time:white     :timeslice  [
              :temperature "21";
              tr:inCalendarClockDataType "2006-03-23T10:00:00Z" ] .

So I like Dan statement on swig: " the more global the context in  
which you state things, the more reusable the info", which is why  
having relations that are so dependent on context are less re- 
useable, and should be avoided, or at least clearly marked as such.

Henry Story


On 23 Mar 2006, at 11:30, Henry Story wrote:
> [snip]
> v-----time.n3--------------------------------v
> @prefix now: <> .
> @prefix : <> .
> @prefix god: <http://eg.god/ont#> .
> @prefix tr: <> .
> { <#blue> now:temperature "22" .
>   <#white> now:temperature "21" .
>   <#red> now:temperature "23" . }
>                 :fetched [ :at "2006-03-23T10:00:00Z";
>                                        :from < 
> ssn/123456789> ] .
> @forAll :obj, :t, :fetchtime .
> { { :obj now:temperature :t } :fetched [ :at :fetchtime ] . }
>         => { :obj god:timeslice  
> [ tr:inCalendarClockDataType :fetchtime;
>                               god:temperature :t ] .  } .
> ^-------time.n3-------------------------------^
> Any ideas on what is wrong with my n3?
> Also if this is does work, one could create a vocabulary to  
> annotate different types of indexical properties, so that one could  
> then create rules that could automatically convert them to  
> mergeable graph structures.
> Henry
> [1]
> [2] followign the definitions given at 
> swap/doc/Reach

Received on Friday, 24 March 2006 18:47:53 UTC