Semantic Web User Interaction Workshop (SWUI06): 2 weeks to submit

                     Call for Papers -- SWUI 2006
     The 3rd International Semantic Web User Interaction Workshop
                           November 6, 2006
                         Athens, Georgia, USA
                      collocated with ISWC 2006

July 10, 2006       Abstract submissions due
July 17, 2006       Paper submissions due
August 31, 2006     Acceptance notification
September 18, 2006  Camera-ready papers due
November 6, 2006    Workshop at the ISWC2006

The structure and features of the Semantic Web enable new ways of
thinking about exploring information spaces beyond what HTML has made
possible.  This workshop investigates similarly innovative ways to exploit
those opportunities in terms of user interface design.  A key challenge of
this workshop will be to present work that demonstrates interaction and
visualization opportunities that are only now made possible through the
Semantic Web.  We will address how users can
interact with information represented with Semantic Web technologies.
Issues include defining paradigms for interaction, their corresponding
technical interfaces and the mapping of Semantic Web constructs to them. 
In the end, we aim to map the "problem space" that binds these issues
together and to identify the core unsolved yet promising
challenged within it.

Writing Papers

The criteria for general assessment of submissions will be novelty,
innovation, demonstrated awareness of related work, contribution to the
field.  We seek papers that help answer the following questions:

    * What does a generic Semantic Web browser 'look' like?
    * How does it support general exploration of the semantic web? * What
are test cases to evaluate such a browser?

In particular, reviewers will consider:

    * how the interaction design or visualization specifically exploits
      the affordances of the Semantic Web
    * how users were involved throughout the process of design/development
* how the work has been evaluated with participants

We seek papers for this workshop that, independently or collectively, set
agendas and possible priorities that frame follow-on discussions and also
research pursuits.  While applying existing interaction
approaches and metaphors to the new Semantic Web sometimes helps, we also
seek new ideas that apply uniquely to the Semantic Web, enabling forms of
interaction not otherwise possible.  We welcome papers
demonstrating new features and behaviors the Semantic Web enables in its
interfaces.  Especially valued are papers applying user-centered
methodologies to ensure the interface components are beneficial.
Finally, we encourage research on how the Semantic Web changes use itself,
including changed user tasks and goals, contexts of use, user types and
groups, and requirements that the newly enabled user
community has.


Part of this workshop's goal is to map the terrain that SWUI topics,
issues and challenges lie in.  We invite those interested in
participating in this workshop goal to start now by reading and
posting on the SWUI mailing list at  Below are some
sample topics and their groups, subject to much change as the workshop
approaches and culminates.

    * requirements on data
          o measuring and determining how data can enhance good
interaction o annotations on media
          o a seamless interface from merged: data, vocabularies, formalisms
    * browsing
          o local view browsing
          o style and layout
          o selection of media for presentation
          o assisted navigation
    * search
          o assisted querying
          o facet browsers
          o relevance measures
    * large-scale structural visualization
          o graphic-based
          o geographic-based
          o dimensional views
    * presentation generation
          o document structure
          o hypermedia
          o narrative and rhetorical structure
    * adaptation and personalization
          o user models: formation, representation and processing
          o recommendation
          o parameters of adustment in SWUI
    * user as author
          o publishing and sharing
          o indentity
          o approachable interfaces
    * personal and social challenges
          o community dymanics
          o trust
          o privacy
          o adoption
    * the changed user experience
          o new personas, tasks and goals
          o new sitations, contexts and scenarios
          o user-centered design and other methodologies for designing SWUIs

Submitting Papers

Submit your papers as PDF in the style of the Springer Publications format
for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).  For complete details, see
Springer's Author Instructions.  Email the submissions before July 17th to
swui06sub(AT)cwi(DOT)nl.  Full papers will have a maximum of 14 pages. 
Short papers will have a maximum of 8 pages.  We will not accept research
papers that, at the time of submission, are under review for or have
already been published in or accepted for publication in a journal or
another conference.

Organizating Committee

    * Lloyd Rutledge (co-chair), CWI, Amsterdam
    * m.c. schraefel (co-chair), University of Southampton
    * Abraham Bernstein, University of Zurich
    * Duane Degler, IPGems

Program Committee

    * Mark Ackerman, University of Michigan
    * Ion Androutsopoulos, Athens University of Economics and Business *
Lora Aroyo, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
    * Chris Bizer, Freie Universität Berlin
    * Jennifer Golbeck, University of Maryland
    * Lynda Hardman, CWI, Amsterdam
    * Nicola Henze, University of Hannover
    * Scott Henninger, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    * Eero Hyvönen, Helsinki University of Technology
    * David R. Karger, MIT - CSAIL
    * Ora Lassila, Nokia Research
    * Paul Mulholland, The Open University
    * Cynthia Sims Parr, University of Maryland and UMBC
    * Patrick Schmitz, UC Berkeley
    * Paul Shabajee, University of Bristol

Received on Tuesday, 4 July 2006 09:31:06 UTC