Re: Is RDFa ready to use with GRDDL?

There is a GRDDL Working Group [1] and this does fall under our charter
- so we will be working on making sure RDFa and GRDDL work together.
However, we are still in the early stages of drafting working drafts and
primers for GRDDL. I believe the transformation  you described would
likely belong to our test suite, and we'd only move focus to that once
we get good solid working drafts out to the community.

If  you wish to make such as XSL stylesheet yourself or improve an
existing one, we'd be very pleased. E-mail me if you make any progress
on it.


Yoshio Fukushige wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in RDFa and would like to try some my own examples.
> But is RDFa ready to use with GRDDL?
> i.e. Does RDFa already have a GRDDL-compatible profile like "Embedded RDF" 
> or any transformation that extracts RDF triples from a XHTML1.0 file with RDFa marking? 
> (I guess it should...)
> If there are only partial implementations (i.e. with some restrictions),  
> they are also welcome.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best,
> Yoshio Fukushige


Harry Halpin,  University of Edinburgh 6B522426

Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2006 14:20:09 UTC