Database schema advice

I would be grateful if someone could skim through some conclusions
I've formed after spending a long time trying to digest RDF.  It
appears that:

1.  Each subject can have a URI and might be an instance of one or
more rdfs:Class's or subclasses.

2.  Each property might be an instance of a single rdf:Property or subproperty.

3.  The domain and range of a property (which restrict the subject and
object respectively) can specify a rdfs:Class or subclass one hopes
the actual subject or object (or even object typed literal) actually

4.  A subject and object don't need to specify their type.

5.  The way to specify an object type is to make it the subject of
another statement, or else use the rdf:Datatype when using an typed

6.  Statements form a directed graph with no loops.

Received on Monday, 14 August 2006 03:09:48 UTC