Re: In defence of 404 ...

> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 16:59 +0200, Bernard Vatant wrote:
>> Dan
>>> Ah... I misread your point. Indeed, in the general case,
>>> lots of documents may discuss the same resource, and none
>>> of them is authoritative. If DOC1#T1 and DOC2#T1 both
>>> refer to France, there is no web architecture mechanism
>>> for determining which is authoritative.
>> OK. But I don't want to have DOC1#T1 *and* DOC2#T1 as two distinct URIs 
>> defining France. I want one URI to define France. 
> Do you have any serious expectation that you will get it? i.e.
> that you can somehow stop other parties from coining URIs that
> refer to France?
Of course not! But that's a completely orthogonal issue (not that I'm 
not interested in that issue, too). We're speaking here about a unique 
publisher (INSEE) who wants to support semantic interoperability through 
forging a unique, authoritative URI for France, for every possible use 
under their authoritative namespace, for any purpose, in any publication.


Received on Monday, 7 August 2006 15:53:33 UTC