Le dimanche 06 août 2006 à 15:45 +0200, Hans Teijgeler a écrit :
> Eric,
> I thought I understood you, until the last five words: 'you won't have
> roundtrip'.
> Please elaborate on what you exactly mean with that roundtrip.
If I understand the spec correctly, if you load a XML/RDF document with
weird namespaces names such as http://foo.com/b or http://foo.com#b in a
RDF parser and serialise the model back into XML/RDF, in addition to the
common "roundtrip" issues, the result could use different namespace and
local names than the original document! (the namespace name would be
http://foo.com/ or http://foo.com# and a "b" would have been prefixed to
the local names!).
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