Use Cases for RDF and Ontology Versioning?


  we will create a system for RDF and ontology versioning.
  We already settled for a Java-API + a REST-style web API (XML over

  What is missing:

      What are real use cases for such a system?

  e. g.
  - What operations do you expect from such a system?
  - Do You need 'projects' of different ontologies?
  - Is it more important to version RDF models in general than
    versioning ontologies?
  - Do You use blank nodes?
  - Would You accept your RDF be 'augmented' with versioning
  - Which RDF API do you use and are familiar with?
  - What is Your usage scenario?

Writing down some input for our use cases / requirements /
usage scenarios would really improve the applicability of our system.

We have a portal, where a community evolves an RDFS ontology.
Therefore we need to track changes and suggested changes per RDFS
concept. We need to get the full versioning history per statement.

      What is Your versioning problem?

Thanks for Your efforts & kind regards,

  Max Voelkel (Knowledge Web WP 2.3)
University of Karlsruhe, AIFB, Knowledge Management Group
room #258, building 11.40   +49 721 608-4754

Received on Friday, 20 May 2005 14:00:58 UTC