RE: true/false in RDF?

> http://foobar/page.html rdf:type urn:myterms:CachedObject

Basically, you are saying that Boolean true/false are completely
unnecessary in RDFS.  From a conceptual standpoint this is very elegant.
However, it has some trouble.

If my object has multiple Boolean properties (it does), do I give it
multiple rdf:types?  One rdf:type per property, or one per combinatorial
group of properties?  Without having n factorial number of classes for n
Booleans, you end up with RDFS classes that never completely match the
actual data.  And how do I differentiate between true, false, and
unspecified?  And of course, all of it means I *need* RDFS (and OWL),
*everywhere*.  Why take such a huge dependency if you don't need to?


Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2005 22:24:55 UTC