Re: It thinks that R1 P2 R2

See the comment inline.

> Consider the following statements...
> R1 P1 R2
> R1 rdf:type C1
> R2 rdf:type C2
> P2 rdfs:subPropertyOf P1
> P2 rdfs:domain C1
> P2 rdfs:range C2
> My engine thinks that
> R1 P2 R2

The imaginary engine is not good enough. 

> As it's not a provable inference, the engine may need a scoring system to 
> convince itself the last statement is really true. What do you think about 
> this kind of "inference" ?

It's a hard question.

To score the possibility, more context infor need to be captured, e.g.
1. In what sense P2 is a sub-property of P1.
2. How many subproperties P1 have

Anyway, this kind of problem is too hard.  It seems interesting, but *may* not be worthy of trying.
> Jeremy 

Yuzhong Qu

Received on Sunday, 13 March 2005 00:49:01 UTC