Re: SW / ontology in telecommunication field

Many thanks Jim, sounds exactly what I was looking for. 

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 10:30:38 -0500, Jim Hendler <> wrote:
> At 11:48 +0100 3/8/05, Danny Ayers wrote: 
> >A little side question:
>  >
>  >On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 08:12:53 +0400, IC Dept.-  MIT-Maqbool Al Maimani
>  >
>  >> In our work Lehigh we use HTN planning to compose Semantic Web services.
> To
>  >> avoid redundancy in service composition we use Local Closed World
> reasoning
>  >> (LCW).
>  >
>  >I've not looked very closely at HTN, but I was wondering how far its
>  >semantics can be expressed/applied in an OWL DL system. Presumably the
>  >descriptive constructs used can be expressed reasonably cleanly in
>  >OWL, but are there any algorithms that can be rearranged to work with
>  >DL reasoning?
>  >
>  >My main reason for asking is that I'm hoping to put together a
>  >planner-like system for goal-oriented project management. Ok, that's
>  >rather a grandiose way of putting it - all I'm after is a simple
>  >system that will accept to-do lists, help you decompose them into
>  >discrete tasks & subgoals and then tell you which task you should
>  >probably do next. I'm still at the stage of putting together the basic
>  >infrastructure, but had anticipated using an OWL DL reasoner (or even
>  >just RDFS) for fact-expansion alongside an auxiliary rule engine
>  >(maybe Prolog-based, maybe Rete-based, as a last resort hard-coded) to
>  >do prioritisation. But the more I can get under the DL umbrella the
>  >happier I'll be. Suggestions appreciated.
>  >
>  >Cheers, 
> >Danny. 
> > 
> I'm just running out the door and saw this - let me suggest you check out
> the work of Evren Sirin, my student, who is doing his PhD on the combination
> of HTN planners and Sem Web services.  He, Bijan Parsia, and I are giving a
> tutorial on this topic at WWW - if you go to 
> and look for the papers by Sirin and also the
> ones with Kuter and with Wu (both of whom are Dana Nau's students) you'll
> find a number of papers on different aspects of the combination of HTN
> planners and OWL 
>   The paper is probably the best
> oe to start with - abstract is: 
> Automated composition ofWeb Services can be achieved by using AI planning
> techniques.
>  Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning is especially well-suited for this
> task. In this
>  paper, we describe how HTN planning system SHOP2 can be used with OWL-S Web
> Service
>  descriptions. We provide a sound and complete algorithm to translate OWL-S
> service
>  descriptions to a SHOP2 domain.We prove the correctness of the algorithm by
> showing the
>  correspondence to the situation calculus semantics of OWL-S. We implemented
> a system
>  that plans over sets of OWL-S descriptions using SHOP2 and then executes
> the resulting
>  plans over the Web. The system is also capable of executing
> information-providing Web
>  Services during the planning process. We discuss the challenges and
> difficulties of using
>  planning in the information-rich and human-oriented context of Web
> Services. -- 
> Professor James Hendler                   Director, Semantic Web and Agent
> Technologies
>  Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.     301-405-2696
>  8400 Baltimore Ave, Suite 200                       301-314-9734 (Fax)
>  College Park, MD 20742                       


Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 21:56:12 UTC