Re: Media Enclosures and RSS 1.0 / RSS 1.1

Am 22.07.2005 um 00:40 schrieb Danny Ayers:

> mod_enclosure [1] starts with:
> <enc:enclosure rdf:resource=""
> enc:type="audio/mpeg" enc:length="65535"/>

Interesting, thanks. I only saw the enclosures in RSS 1.0 used like  
your example from 
enclosures/ hence my complaint. Glad to see I wasn't the only one  
thinking of that solution.

> So I think we're probably stuck with it for another year or two yet.

Sadly. Maybe we can get the process to accelerate a bit through just  
using RSS 1.0 enclosures in our feeds, while trying to get them into  
iTunes. Once iTunes supports it, everyone will probably going to  
implement it too. Hm.

> But it's not all bad news, I think 'simple' RSS in the wild has been
> getting progressively cleaner. I imagine the desire for people to get
> their material on iTunes and to aggregate Yahoo! Media RSS will act as
> fairly powerful validation processes for RSS+Media XML. If the XML is
> half-decent, RDF is but a stylesheet away.

I'm probably too idealistic with wanting it to work without hassle :)

Thanks Danny for your reply, and Karl thanks for forwarding this  
question to this mailinglist. Obviously, I'm not much of a  
mailinglist person ;)

Regards, Michael
Michael Zeltner
Netalley Networks LLP

Received on Sunday, 24 July 2005 12:25:42 UTC