ANN: RDF-based labelling scheme online

Dear all,

Today, ICRA has switched from off its PICS label generator and is now 
encouraging content providers to add RDF descriptions instead. From a SWIG 
point of view I hope this means that there will be more data on the web for 
semantic web applications to work with. ICRA's focus is child protection but 
the platform has the potential to be used for a lot more. For example, we're 
working with trust mark schemes to make their seals of approval 
machine-processable. The platform is also a candidate technology for the 
Mobile OK trustmark being developed by the Mobile Web Initiative.

Some relevant URLs:

RDF Content Labels (core platform)

ICRA Label generator

ICRA system specification:

Phil Archer
Chief Technical Officer
Internet Content Rating Association
Label your site today at

Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2005 08:10:43 UTC