[announcement] Longwell 1.1 released

The SIMILE project is happy to announce the 1.1 feature and bugfix
release of the Longwell web-based RDF browser.  New features include
language selection, run-time addition of data via URIs, and continual
web harvesting through scuttering.  Bugfixes include correcting Knowle
and repository errors.

Get it from


and find out more about Longwell from


Longwell 1.1 is running behind all of the online demos found linked from
the main Longwell page.

Note that the bundle configuration file syntax has changed slightly to 
use the rdf:List shorthand instead of rdf:Seq; bundles created for 
previous releases of Longwell will need to be modified to match the new 
syntax.  See the revised User's Guide


Thank you.

Ryan Lee                 ryanlee@w3.org
W3C Research Engineer    +1.617.253.5327

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2005 21:09:03 UTC