TUT Y TAM 2008 Virtual Planetary Exhibition


Paris June 09, 2004


Madam, Sir,


The first Virtual Planetary Exhibition will open its doors in 2008. The Club des Technologies de l'Information Partagée (Shared Information Technologies club) is looking for people who would be willing to help with the promotion, the success and the development of this event.


In order to provide such a future event with the success it deserves, a support committee has been created.

We would be deeply honoured if you should sit among its members.



The Virtual Planetary Exhibition (VPE) has been created to celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of Sir Henry Cole, creator of the first Universal Exhibition. The principle of the VPE is to comply with Sir Cole's phrase: "Learn how to see and see through comparison". To do that, in several countries, real events will be organised showing the local know-how techniques in the areas of arts, culture, science, industry or craftsmanship. Each of these events will be broadcast, in real time, through an central operational headquarters, located in a capital city yet to be determined.


One of the roles of the Club TIP is to organise international events. The latest example is the Digit World Contest (DWC), accessible through the Tutytam portal (http://www.tutytam.org/contest ). For its first edition, the DWC has gathered 744 participating web sites from 80 countries, all devoted to the conservation and promotion of artistic and cultural heritage.


The VPE is actually a double event which combines the real and the virtual world in a single event. The VPE aims to become an international observatory for the survey of the evolution of the technologies of interactive information and communication. The VPE will display the human aspects of these technologies. The VPE will be eventually an interactive bond between peoples.


Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us; we will be honoured to answer any questions you may ask.



Philippe Boland

Commissaire d'exposition

New direction

Club TIP

54, avenue Secretan 75019 Paris 


Tel : +33 (1) 40 40 14 14



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Received on Thursday, 10 June 2004 13:46:46 UTC