Notation3 Namespace "Timfoolery"

# This is a short test of an TimBL idea about using email Message-ID's 
# as a namespace. He said that the mail being sent should include RDF 
# (in either XML or N3 form) about the properties being declared. If 
# you haven't already guessed, this is in Notation3! c.f. 
# It just reasserts some 
# FOAF stuff (for now).

@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix <#> .

:name rdfs:label "name"; 
          rdfs:comment "Name of a person";
          a rdfs:Class .

:firstNames rdfs:label "firstNames"; 
          rdfs:comment "First name or names of a resource";
          a :name .
:surname rdfs:label "surname"; 
          rdfs:comment "Surname of a resource";
          a :name .

:homepage rdfs:label "homepage";
          rdfs:comment "Homepage of a resource" .
:hasEmail rdfs:label "hasEmail";
          rdfs:comment "Primary email address of one unique person" .

# That's it. Oh, it also needs some information in N3 about 
# who wrote this deeley:

@prefix dc: <>

<> dc:author [ :name 
     :firstNames "Sean B."; :surname "Palmer" ]; 
     :homepage <>; 
     :hasEmail <> .

# Ta-da! I hope there aren't any mistakes... Now I can try to work 
# out what the Message-ID URI is, and use that as the namespace 
# for the classes/properties declared in this email...
# Kindest Regards,
# Sean B. Palmer
# "Perhaps, but let's not get bogged down in semantics."
#    - Homer J. Simpson, BABF07.

Received on Monday, 8 January 2001 21:28:48 UTC