Hi All,
Thanks to Bobby and Ethan's effort, we are getting very close to a First
Publish Working Draft now.
Here's the plan:
3.20 to 3.27 Bobby will try his best to finish section 2 and section
4(combine Ch 2.3 and Ch 2.5 into 1 chapter, and review section 4); Ethan
and Xiaoqian will work on the Glossary;
3.27 to 4.10 Xiaoqian will publish an Editor's Draft in Chinese; Angel
will take care of the translation of this draft; Richard and Ethan will
keep building the repo on GitHub; Bobby will continue working on the
other parts of the draft;
4.10 to 4.20 Xiaoqian and Richard will release the FPWD and call for
comments. All the editors will keep working on the draft, especially for
the figures.
Feel free to update this plan.