Re: Implementation status of PRs

Not me !!!! It’ll be a powerful way to test new features, and to make 
some demos !


Le 05/02/2025 à 12:54, Michael Kay a écrit :

> Would anyone object if we were add tags/labels to completed PRs indicating, for example "implemented in Saxon 12" or "implemented in Saxon 13"?
> This would help us internally to track our progress in implementing the changes, and I think it might also be a convenient way to communicate with the user community: reading the "changes" file that we currently use to indicate what changes we have made in each release doesn't provide a great way for users to discover exactly what is in and what is not. The fact that the specs themselves link to PRs means that a user reading the spec would be able quickly to discover whether the feature is available.
> Of course we would be happy for other implementors to add similar tags.
> Michael Kay
> Saxonica

Received on Wednesday, 5 February 2025 12:36:23 UTC