QT4CG meeting 100 draft minutes, 26 November 2024

Here are the draft minutes from today’s QT4CG meeting:


QT4 CG Meeting 100 Minutes 2024-11-26

   [1]Meeting index / [2]QT4CG.org / [3]Dashboard / [4]GH Issues / [5]GH
   Pull Requests

Table of Contents

     * [6]Draft Minutes
     * [7]Summary of new and continuing actions [0/9]
     * [8]1. Administrivia
          + [9]1.1. Roll call [8/12]
          + [10]1.2. Accept the agenda
               o [11]1.2.1. Status so far...
          + [12]1.3. Approve minutes of the previous meeting
          + [13]1.4. Next meeting
          + [14]1.5. Review of open action items [1/9]
          + [15]1.6. Review of open pull requests and issues
               o [16]1.6.1. Blocked
               o [17]1.6.2. Merge without discussion
               o [18]1.6.3. Substantive PRs
     * [19]2. Technical agenda
          + [20]2.1. PR #1570: 1550 Replace node-kind() with new type-of()
          + [21]2.2. PR #1604: 1593 Allow `document-node(NameTestUnion)`
          + [22]2.3. PR #1603: 1602 Editorial update to "other operations"
            on maps and arrays
          + [23]2.4. PR #1599: 1598 $err:stack-trace: string, please
          + [24]2.5. PR #1505: 1503 Add err:map, err:stack-trace,
            err:additional to XSLT
          + [25]2.6. PR #1586: 1527 Move record types into separate
          + [26]2.7. PR #1587: 557 Add fn:binary-resource
     * [27]3. Any other business
     * [28]4. Adjourned

Draft Minutes

Summary of new and continuing actions [0/9]

     * [ ] QT4CG-080-07: NW to update the build instructions in the README
     * [ ] QT4CG-082-02: DN to work with MK to come to agreement on the
       fn:ranks proposal
     * [ ] QT4CG-088-01: NW to consider how best to add a dedication to
     * [ ] QT4CG-088-04: [Someone] needs to update the processing model
       diagram needs vis-a-vis the static typing feature
     * [ ] QT4CG-089-01: CG to draft a PR that attempts to resolve the
       operators described in #755 to a smaller number of orthogonal
     * [ ] QT4CG-097-02: MK to make the XSD schema component references
       into links to XSD
     * [ ] QT4CG-097-03: DN to proposal an axis for accessing the siblings
       of a node.
     * [ ] QT4CG-098-02: NW to look at the XSL stylesheet for XSD,

1. Administrivia

1.1. Roll call [8/12]

   DB, JLO give regrets.
     * [ ] David J Birnbaum (DB)
     * [X] Reece Dunn (RD)
     * [ ] Sasha Firsov (SF)
     * [X] Christian Gr¸n (CG)
     * [X] Joel Kalvesmaki (JK) [:05-]
     * [X] Michael Kay (MK)
     * [ ] Juri Leino (JLO)
     * [X] John Lumley (JWL)
     * [X] Dimitre Novatchev (DN)
     * [ ] Wendell Piez (WP)
     * [X] Ed Porter (EP)
     * [X] Norm Tovey-Walsh (NW). Scribe. Chair.

1.2. Accept the agenda

   Proposal: Accept [30]the agenda.


1.2.1. Status so far...

   These charts have been adjusted so they reflect the preceding six
   months of work.


   Figure 1: "Burn down" chart on open issues


   Figure 2: Open issues by specification


   Figure 3: Open issues by type

1.3. Approve minutes of the previous meeting

   Proposal: Accept [31]the minutes of the previous meeting.


1.4. Next meeting

   This next meeting is planned for 3 December.

   CG gives regrets.

   The CG does not plan to meet on 24 or 31 December.

1.5. Review of open action items [1/9]

   (Items marked [X] are believed to have been closed via email before
   this agenda was posted.)
     * [ ] QT4CG-080-07: NW to update the build instructions in the README
     * [ ] QT4CG-082-02: DN to work with MK to come to agreement on the
       fn:ranks proposal
     * [ ] QT4CG-088-01: NW to consider how best to add a dedication to
     * [ ] QT4CG-088-04: [Someone] needs to update the processing model
       diagram needs vis-a-vis the static typing feature
     * [ ] QT4CG-089-01: CG to draft a PR that attempts to resolve the
       operators described in #755 to a smaller number of orthogonal
     * [ ] QT4CG-097-02: MK to make the XSD schema component references
       into links to XSD
     * [ ] QT4CG-097-03: DN to proposal an axis for accessing the siblings
       of a node.
     * [ ] QT4CG-098-02: NW to look at the XSL stylesheet for XSD,
     * [X] QT4CG-099-01: MK to add a default layout option for
          + MK looked and decided that it doesn't work. Came up with a
            different idea to disable some options.

1.6. Review of open pull requests and issues

1.6.1. Blocked

   The following PRs are open but have merge conflicts or comments which
   suggest they aren't ready for action.
     * PR [33]#1596: 1592 Rework rules for selecting a layout
     * PR [34]#1296: 982 Rewrite of scan-left and scan-right
     * PR [35]#1283: 77b Update expressions
     * PR [36]#1062: 150bis revised proposal for fn:ranks

1.6.2. Merge without discussion

   The following PRs are editorial, small, or otherwise appeared to be
   uncontroversial when the agenda was prepared. The chairs propose that
   these can be merged without discussion. If you think discussion is
   necessary, please say so.
     * PR [37]#1607: 1590 Drop draft current-mode function from catalog
     * PR [38]#1601: 1516(B) Fix problems with testing examples
     * PR [39]#1600: 1594 typos: dependant and repeated word
     * PR [40]#1597: 1595 Editorial

   Proposal: Merge these PRs without discussion.


1.6.3. Substantive PRs

   The following substantive PRs were open when this agenda was prepared.
     * PR [41]#1604: 1593 Allow `document-node(NameTestUnion)`
     * PR [42]#1603: 1602 Editorial update to "other operations" on maps
       and arrays
     * PR [43]#1599: 1598 $err:stack-trace: string, please
     * PR [44]#1505: 1503 Add err:map, err:stack-trace, err:additional to
     * PR [45]#1587: 557 Add fn:binary-resource
     * PR [46]#1586: 1527 Move record types into separate sections
     * PR [47]#1570: 1550 Replace node-kind() with new type-of() function

2. Technical agenda

2.1. PR #1570: 1550 Replace node-kind() with new type-of() function

   See PR [48]#1570.

   MK introduces the PR.
     * MK: After discussion, decided to add type-of() which does more than
          + ... MK reviews the prose of the PR ...
          + ... We walk up the type hierarchy to the first non-anonymous
     * JWL: Isn't a sequence of strings better than a union? You might
       have to re-tokenize.
     * MK: Maybe.
     * NW: What about a case when there's a different binding for xs:?
     * MK: I don't have a very clear picture of what the use cases are for
       this function.
          + ... My use cases are diagnostic, so it's just for human
     * CG: I like it, simple strings are what users want, I think. If you
       want to do more sophisticated things, write your own function.
     * RD: In terms of possible uses: within my XQuery plugin, I'm doing a
       similar sort of logic when determing the types of a value in things
       like query result output, profiling, debugging, etc.

   Proposal: Accept this PR.


2.2. PR #1604: 1593 Allow `document-node(NameTestUnion)`

   See PR [49]#1604

   MK introduces the PR: this is a bit of syntactic sugar designed to
   encourage people to say when a well-formed document node is expected.'
     * MK: We allow NameTestUnion in a DocumentTest
          + ... Have clarified the text with respect to document-node(E).
          + ... document(NTU) is a shorthand for document(element(NTU)).
          + ... So document(*) is a well-formed XML document.
     * MK: It's expanded in the subtyping rules.
     * NW: What about whitespace text nodes?
     * MK: The standard rules for generating an infoset when parsing won't
       give you any whitespace there.
          + ... You could programmatically construct them that way; the
            spec was a little bit ambiguous.
          + ... I sort of looked for all the evidence I could find and
            decided that the intention was that they aren't allowed.
     * MK: I've used the new syntax in Functions and Operators.

   Proposal: Accept this PR.


2.3. PR #1603: 1602 Editorial update to "other operations" on maps and arrays

   See PR [50]#1603
     * MK: This is purely editorial; I found some text that was a mess.
          + ... Both maps and arrays have a section called "other
            operations". I've updated them both.
          + ... For maps it's a summary of things you can do with maps
            other than apply functions to them.
          + ... For arrays, we had two almost identical sections with odd
          + ... Rewrote the section to say something useful.

   Proposal: Accept this PR.


2.4. PR #1599: 1598 $err:stack-trace: string, please

   See PR [51]#1599
     * CG: This is pretty small. We've talked about it several times.
          + ... I'd like to change the type of the $err:stack-trace from
            function to string so that it's easier to serialize.
          + ... The CG should be able to provide a lazy string if it takes
            too much time to materialize.
     * MK: I think you're probably right.
     * RD: What effect would this have on compatibility. If someone wanted
       to call this across different implementations. Wouldn't they have
       to do implementation-specific things for the stack trace.
     * CG: The stack tracke string is entirely implementation defined.

   Some discussion of the return type.
     * MK: I think we should prescribe a string or nothing. If you want to
       parse it, you'll have to know what product you're dealing with.

   Proposal: Accept this PR.


2.5. PR #1505: 1503 Add err:map, err:stack-trace, err:additional to XSLT

   See PR [52]#1505
     * MK: I think we can accept this contingent on making the equivalent
          + ... MK walks through the prose of the PR; it brings XSLT in
            line with the XPath changes.

   Proposal: Accept this PR.


   MK to make the corresponding change to $err:stack-trace and then merge
   the PR.

2.6. PR #1586: 1527 Move record types into separate sections

   See PR [53]#1586
     * MK: This is also primarily editorial. I also picked up the change
       to add a named record type for key-value pairs. It was a separate
       issue but in the same general area.

   MK reviews how the material is presented.

   This PR involves stylesheet changes so it's not usefully presented in
   the formatted PR. We're looking at a local build on MK's machine.
     * MK: The map:pairs() function now has a link to the key-value-pair
       record type in a free-standing section.
          + ... There's a bit of a consistency issue regarding which are
            extensible and which aren't.
          + ... Generally on input we want to accept additional properties
            and ignore them.
     * MK: There are about 5 record types now.
          + ... I've anticipated putting them in the fn: namespace and
            adding them to the static context.
     * RD: Do we have the declare item type syntax standardized?
     * MK: Declare record is standardized in XQuery
     * RD: Should we also have a signature for those?
     * MK: If we put them as implicitly declared records, you also get a
       constructor function for them. So fn:key-value-pair duplicates the
       map:pair function.
     * RD: Should we make the record type with that implicit constructor?
     * MK: I think it's logical to have the record and the constructor
       function having the same name.
     * RD: What I mean is replace map:pair with the map-pair record type.
     * MK: Yes, I think that's where this leads.
     * CG: Could it just be pair? Do we have other pairs?
     * MK: That's an open question. Currently, we use the name pair
       qualified by map:. If we called the record type map-pair, I think
       we'd have enough context for it.
     * JWL: I'm in favor of using key-value-pair, not just pair or

   Proposal: Accept this PR.


2.7. PR #1587: 557 Add fn:binary-resource

   See PR [54]#1587
     * MK: This is a bit related to what we do about the EXPath file and
       binary modules.
          + ... This allows us to read a binary resource.
          + ... (The PR also tidies up a lot of things about base URIs in
            the static and dynamic contexts.)
     * MK: There's a big question about what we call this function.
          + MK: ... The function is completely straightforward.
          + MK: ... Wait, the paragraph about mapping to URIs is wrong.
     * MK: There needs to be a parallel change about binary resources.
       Unfinished business.
     * JWL: The result type doesn't have an option on it, but the rules
       say it could be.
          + ... Are we going to try to get an output method to output a
            binary resource?
     * MK: That gets to the thorny question of functions with side
     * JWL: No, I mean as part of the serialization.
     * NW: I think JWL is only proposing that we need a binary output
     * CG: The function is marked as deterministic, does that mean it
       always needs to return the same result?
     * MK: Yes, I think I decided to be consistent with the other resource
          + ... I'm not happy about that, but this didn't seem to be the
            right place to change it.
     * CG: All the functions in the file module are all non-deterministic,
       so you can decide which ones to use.
     * DN: In the summary of the function it says it returns binary, but
       it should say that it returns xs:base64Binary to avoid confusion.
          + ... To me, "resource" means a URL or a URI, not the content.
            I'd prefer to have a more exact name like:
     * NW: I suppose we could go with binary-doc for parallelism?
     * MK: Maybe, but we tend to think of doc as XML documents.
     * DN: Is it meaningful to ask what kind of format it is, in the case
       when it's an executable?
     * MK: It's a question as to whether this relates in any way to HTTP
       content types.
     * DN: Maybe we could have some way of getting more information about
       the type of the resource.
     * JWL: The example we use the EXPath binary specification is things
       like images.
          + ... There's typically a MIME type, but you can also sniff.
     * MK: From the magic bytes at the start.
     * RD: I think it would be more useful to have MIME type detection as
       a separate function.
     * NW: MIME type detection is just a mapping to filename extensions
       these days, so less useful.
     * DN: Binary can be a little bit risky. It has security implications
       maybe? Maybe there should be some warning for this. And should
       there be an additional parameter for virus checking?
          + ... Maybe in some applications we would not want the function
            to be deterministic.
     * MK: I think that's a valid point, but determinism is completely
       orthogonal to the question of what the resource type is.
          + ... I think the security implications are orthogonal as well.
            JavaScript is text and it can do anything it likes.
     * JK: I wonder if there are any thoughts about what to do about the
       file library.
     * MK: The specification depends totally on assumptions about order of
       execution that ends up being thoroughly unsatisfactory from a
       specification point of view, but livable from a product

3. Any other business

     * NW: JWL was working on the binary specification, would you like to
       show us some of that?

   JWL demos the progress he's made porting the EXPath Binary
   specification to the QT4 workflow.
     * JK: Nice work!

4. Adjourned


   1. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/
   2. https://qt4cg.org/
   3. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard
   4. https://github.com/qt4cg/qtspecs/issues
   5. https://github.com/qt4cg/qtspecs/pulls
   6. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#minutes
   7. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#new-actions
   8. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#administrivia
   9. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#roll-call
  10. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#agenda
  11. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#so-far
  12. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#approve-minutes
  13. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#next-meeting
  14. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#open-actions
  15. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#open-pull-requests
  16. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#blocked
  17. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#merge-without-discussion
  18. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#substantive
  19. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#technical-agenda
  20. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#pr-1570
  21. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#pr-1604
  22. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#pr-1603
  23. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#pr-1599
  24. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#pr-1505
  25. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#pr-1586
  26. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#pr-1587
  27. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#any-other-business
  28. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-26.html#adjourned
  29. https://github.com/qt4cg/qtspecs/issues/374
  30. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/agenda/2024/11-26.html
  31. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2024/11-19.html
  32. https://github.com/qt4cg/qtspecs/issues/374
  33. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1596
  34. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1296
  35. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1283
  36. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1062
  37. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1607
  38. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1601
  39. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1600
  40. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1597
  41. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1604
  42. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1603
  43. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1599
  44. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1505
  45. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1587
  46. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1586
  47. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1570
  48. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1570
  49. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1604
  50. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1603
  51. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1599
  52. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1505
  53. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1586
  54. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-1587

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Tuesday, 26 November 2024 17:39:00 UTC