xalan-j's interpretive processor implementation of xslt 3.0

Hi all,
   I've been feeling little bit shy to talk about this subject, on this
list :(

xalan-j team over the previous one year has implemented XSLT 3.0 spec to a
large extent. The link
https://github.com/apache/xalan-java/tree/xalan-j_xslt3.0 is a GitHub repos
branch of Xalan-J's XSLT 3.0 codebase that may currently be built into a
jar file using build tool Ant. There's a 'tests' folder within this GitHub
repos branch which has substantial collection of test cases that work fine
with xalan-j.

Thanks for your interest in this mail.


Received on Monday, 13 May 2024 12:46:36 UTC