Re: QT4CG meeting 071 draft agenda, 26 March 2024

Norm Tovey-Walsh <> writes:
> 2. Technical Agenda
>    The order of items may be a bit chaotic. It's an attempt to pick off both some low hanging fruit and some significant items. Proposals to change the sequence will be happily considered.

For your consideration, the following alternative order has been proposed. 

PR #1071: 1070 Bare Brace map constructor syntax
PR #1059: 1019 XQFO: Unknown option parameters 
PR #1100: 99 fn:equal() function to compare sequences and arrays
PR #1077: Correct the status of new language features
PR #1074: Confirm status of provisional functions

I’m fine with that order if that’s what the group prefers. I was hoping to get my PRs about parse-uri and build-uri approved, but in fairness, that’s more to satisfy my personal, editorial desires than it is a statement of priority.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Monday, 25 March 2024 14:40:34 UTC