Meeting 084 minutes amended

Hi folks,

I incorrectly ascribed several comments by JLO to JLY. I’ve fixed that and pushed an update to the minutes:

+ JLO: Yes, I've wanted that too and you can implement that to some extent in
  XQuery 3.1.
+ JLO: The function fn:selection-path has an input. If that input gives me an
  empty item back then I know my item wasn't labeled?
+ MK: Yes, or your input was empty.
+ JLO: Would an "is-labeled" function be useful, so I can test it?
+ MK: I'm still exploring whether labels should be exposed directly.

Some discussion of revealing all labels or only the selected labels. It
has implementation consequences.

+ JLO: I'd like to know if there is a selection path before I attempt the

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 2024 06:52:15 UTC