Report on MK actions

QT4CG-063-06: MK to consider refactoring the declare item type syntax to something like declare record
No progress, leave open
[ ] QT4CG-071-01: MK to put namespace bindings for XQuery back on the issue list
Done, issue 1119.
[ ] QT4CG-071-02: MK to raise a PR that changes map construction examples as appropriate
[ ] QT4CG-071-03: MK to review the definition of map equality in fn:equal
Done. This PR has been abandoned and replaced with PR 1120, which moves the functionality into fn:deep-equal.

[ ] QT4CG-071-04: MK to update the prose to highlight differences between fn:equal and fn:deep-equal
No longer relevant.
[ ] QT4CG-071-05: MK to consider the name of the function argument.
No longer relevant.

Michael Kay

Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2024 08:40:35 UTC