Re: Action QT4CG-051-06

Also, the output of gradlew contains this message:

"> Task :fo_generate_tests
Cannot generate tests from specification; no Saxon license available."

This means that we will not know if the tests for this PR can be
successfully generated, or if there is some problem.


On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 3:00 PM Dimitre Novatchev <>

> On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 2:47 PM Michael Kay <> wrote:
>> As an alternative to fos:result, you can have (for example)
>> <fos:error-result error-code="FOCV0004"/>
> Thanks,
> and one hopefully last question:
> Can all <fos:variable> elements be specified preceding the <fos:examples>
> element, so that these variables could be shared by different examples?
> What would be the recommended place in the document for the set of
> <fos:variable> elements?
> Thanks,
> Dimitre
>> Michael Kay
>> On 24 Oct 2023, at 22:25, Dimitre Novatchev <> wrote:
>> >  and the fos:result should be valid XPath
>> What should be the contents of fos:result in a case when the expected
>> result is that a (type) error should be raised?
>> On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 1:03 PM Michael Kay <> wrote:
>>>  [ ] QT4CG-051-06: MK to help DN with the markup in fn:chain
>>>       examples.
>>> I'd suggest following the example markup used by fn:serialize or
>>> fn:transitive-closure.
>>> The <fos:example> element can enclose either a prose example or a
>>> testable example. Testable examples are preferred if at all possible! An
>>> example of a testable example is:
>>> <fos:example>
>>>             <fos:test use="transitive-closure-data">
>>>                <fos:expression><eg>let $tc :=
>>> transitive-closure($direct-reports)
>>> return $tc($data//person[@id="2"])/string(@id)</eg></fos:expression>
>>>                <fos:result>("3", "4", "6", "7", "8")</fos:result>
>>>             </fos:test>
>>> </fos:example>
>>> The "use" attribute is a reference to variables that the example uses,
>>> in this case:
>>> <fos:variable name="data" id="transitive-closure-data">
>>> <![CDATA[document{<doc>
>>>    <person id="0"/>
>>>    <person id="1" manager="0"/>
>>>    <person id="2" manager="0"/>
>>>    <person id="3" manager="2"/>
>>>    <person id="4" manager="2"/>
>>>    <person id="5" manager="1"/>
>>>    <person id="6" manager="3"/>
>>>    <person id="7" manager="6"/>
>>>    <person id="8" manager="6"/>
>>> </doc>}]]>
>>>          </fos:variable>
>>> If you use multiple variables, I suspect the "use" attribute can be a
>>> whitespace-separated list.
>>> The fos:expression should be valid XQuery (but use XPath if possible),
>>> and the fos:result should be valid XPath. Both contain expressions that
>>> should be context-free (except for references to variables, as discussed)
>>> and the results of the two expressions should compare equal when compared
>>> with deep-equal(). The fos:result expression, by convention, should contain
>>> only "constants", but that can include things like calls to constructor
>>> functions.
>>> The example gets turned into a human-readable example in the spec, and
>>> also into a test case in app/fo-spec-examples.xml, for example in this case
>>> <test-case name="fo-test-fn-transitive-closure-001">
>>>       <description>Test case for fn:transitive-closure</description>
>>>       <created by="Michael Kay using generate-qt3-test-set.xsl" on=
>>> "2023-10-18"/>
>>>       <environment ref="global"/>
>>>       <dependency type="spec" value="XQ40+" satisfied="true"/>
>>>       <test>
>>>           let $data :=
>>>           document{&lt;doc&gt;
>>>    &lt;person id="0"/&gt;
>>>    &lt;person id="1" manager="0"/&gt;
>>>    &lt;person id="2" manager="0"/&gt;
>>>    &lt;person id="3" manager="2"/&gt;
>>>    &lt;person id="4" manager="2"/&gt;
>>>    &lt;person id="5" manager="1"/&gt;
>>>    &lt;person id="6" manager="3"/&gt;
>>>    &lt;person id="7" manager="6"/&gt;
>>>    &lt;person id="8" manager="6"/&gt;
>>> &lt;/doc&gt;}
>>>            return
>>>         let $tc := transitive-closure($direct-reports)
>>> return $tc($data//person[@id="2"])/string(@id)
>>>       </test>
>>>       <result>
>>>          <assert-deep-eq>("3", "4", "6", "7", "8")</assert-deep-eq>
>>>       </result>
>>>    </test-case>
>>> Michael Kay
>>> Saxonica

Received on Tuesday, 24 October 2023 22:16:03 UTC