Re: QT4CG Draft Minutes 055, 21 November 2023

   > * JL: I understand what DN is saying. If the return result was a
   >         sequence of arrays, where every found thing, then you could
   >         sequences. If you then want to flatten it, you need a first
   >         flattening of a sequence of arrays. Does * do that?
   >  * MK: I think it's another ?* that does it. But a lot of the reason
    >        for these operators are to avoid them.

Not exactly. See  for one way
to produce all members, each in a separate array.

Here is a short and complete example:

let $members-at := function(
                 $input as array( *),
                 $indexes as xs:integer*
                ) as array(*)*
     for $ind in $indexes
       return [$input($ind)]
     $members-at([1, (2, 3), (4, 5, 6)], (1 to 3) )

Which produces the wanted result:

[1], [(2,3)], [(4,5,6)]

[image: image.png]

On Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 9:28 AM Norm Tovey-Walsh <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Here are the draft minutes for meeting 055:
> QT4 CG Meeting 055 Minutes 2023-11-21
> Table of Contents
>      * [1]Draft Minutes
>      * [2]Summary of new and continuing actions [0/4]
>      * [3]1. Administrivia
>           + [4]1.1. Roll call [11/12]
>           + [5]1.2. Accept the agenda
>                o [6]1.2.1. Status so far...
>           + [7]1.3. Approve minutes of the previous meeting
>           + [8]1.4. Next meeting
>           + [9]1.5. Review of open action items [0/3]
>           + [10]1.6. Review of open pull requests and issues
>                o [11]1.6.1. Blocked
>                o [12]1.6.2. Merge without discussion
>                o [13]1.6.3. XSLT focused
>                o [14]1.6.4. Substantive PRs
>                o [15]1.6.5. Proposed for V4.0
>      * [16]2. Technical Agenda
>           + [17]2.1. PR #837: 297 Deep Lookup Operator "??" and wildcard
>             qualifier "::"
>           + [18]2.2. PR #832: 77 Add map:deep-update and array:deep-update
>      * [19]3. Any other business?
>      * [20]4. Adjourned
>    [21]Agenda index / [22] / [23]Dashboard / [24]GH Issues /
>    [25]GH Pull Requests
> Draft Minutes
> Summary of new and continuing actions [0/4]
>      * [ ] QT4CG-052-02: NW to consider how to schedule an "editor's
>        meeting"
>      * [ ] QT4CG-052-05: MK to rename the hexBinary-equal function to
>        binary-equal?
>      * [ ] QT4CG-052-06: MK to consider the editorial question of
>        "promotion" for the symmetric relations.
>      * [ ] QT4CG-055-01: MK to clarify that the return type of the deep
>        lookup operator is a flat sequence.
>      * [ ] QT4CG-055-02: DN to open an issue requesting examples of
>        implausible expressions to clarify the spec
> 1. Administrivia
> 1.1. Roll call [11/12]
>    JK gives regrets. WP gives possible regrets.
>      * [X] Reece Dunn (RD)
>      * [X] Sasha Firsov (SF)
>      * [X] Christian Gr¸n (CG)
>      * [ ] Joel Kalvesmaki (JK)
>      * [X] Michael Kay (MK)
>      * [X] John Lumley (JL)
>      * [X] Dimitre Novatchev (DN)
>      * [X] Matt Patterson (MP)
>      * [X] Wendell Piez (WP)
>      * [X] Ed Porter (EP)
>      * [X] C. M. Sperberg-McQueen (MSM)
>      * [X] Norm Tovey-Walsh (NW). Scribe. Chair.
> 1.2. Accept the agenda
>    Proposal: Accept [26]the agenda.
>    Accepted.
> 1.2.1. Status so far...
>    issues-open-2023-11-21.png
>    Figure 1: "Burn down" chart on open issues
>    issues-by-spec-2023-11-21.png
>    Figure 2: Open issues by specification
>    [[./issues-by-type-2023-11-21.png]
> 1.3. Approve minutes of the previous meeting
>    Proposal: Accept [27]the minutes of the previous meeting.
>    Accepted.
> 1.4. Next meeting
>    The next meeting [28]is scheduled for Tuesday, 28 November 2023.
>    Any regrets for the following meeting?
>    CG gives regrets.
>    Shall we make 28 November an XSLT-focused meeting?
>    Yes.
> 1.5. Review of open action items [0/3]
>      * [ ] QT4CG-052-02: NW to consider how to schedule an "editor's
>        meeting"
>      * [ ] QT4CG-052-05: MK to rename the hexBinary-equal function to
>        binary-equal?
>      * [ ] QT4CG-052-06: MK to consider the editorial question of
>        "promotion" for the symmetric relations.
> 1.6. Review of open pull requests and issues
> 1.6.1. Blocked
>    The following PRs are open but have merge conflicts or comments which
>    suggest they aren't ready for action.
>      * PR [29]#795: 655: fn:sort-with
>      * PR [30]#529: 528: revision of json(), and renaming to
>        elements-to-maps()
> 1.6.2. Merge without discussion
>    The following PRs are editorial, small, or otherwise appeared to be
>    uncontroversial when the agenda was prepared. The chairs propose that
>    these can be merged without discussion. If you think discussion is
>    necessary, please say so.
>      * PR [31]#846: 845 Drop mention of tuples
>      * PR [32]#842: Improve stylesheet for generating keyword tests
>      * PR [33]#841: 840: Typo in fn:seconds-from-duration example
>      * PR [34]#833: Fix the line endings, force a single lf in text files
>    Proposal: merge without discussion?
>      * RD: What about PR [35]#846? (845 Drop mention of tuples) Does
>        removing the tuple wording cause confusion on the XQuery side?
>      * MK: I don't think so. They aren't really necessary in the context
>        of some and every in either spec.
>      * RD: What about the variable binding change?
>      * MK: It's just simpler.
>    With that clarifiction, the list is accepted.
> 1.6.3. XSLT focused
>    The following PRs appear to be candidates for a future XSLT-focussed
>    meeting.
>      * PR [36]#470: 369: add fixed-prefixes attribute in XSLT
>      * PR [37]#412: 409, QT4CG-027-01: xsl:next-match
>    These issues identify the XSLT-focused changes that have been made to
>    the specifications but which have not been established by the community
>    group as the status quo.
>      * Issue [38]#742: xsl:function-library: keep, drop, or refine?
>      * Issue [39]#169: Handling of duplicate keys in xsl:map
>      * Issue [40]#168: XSLT Extension Instructions invoking Named
>        Templates
> 1.6.4. Substantive PRs
>    The following substantive PRs were open when this agenda was prepared.
>      * PR [41]#837: 297 Deep Lookup Operator "??" and wildcard qualifier
>        "::"
>      * PR [42]#832: 77 Add map:deep-update and array:deep-update
>      * PR [43]#798: 479: fn:deep-equal: Input order
>      * PR [44]#737: 295: Boost the capability of recursive record types
> 1.6.5. Proposed for V4.0
>    The following issues are labled "proposed for V4.0".
>      * Issue [45]#716: Generators in XPath
>      * Issue [46]#689: fn:stack-trace: keep or drop?
>      * Issue [47]#583: array:replace(), etc
>      * Issue [48]#557: fn:unparsed-binary: accessing and manipulating
>        binary types
>      * Issue [49]#340: fn:format-number: Specifying decimal format
>      * Issue [50]#260: array:index-of
>      * Issue [51]#33: json parsing number type option
>      * Issue [52]#31: Extend FLWOR expressions to maps
> 2. Technical Agenda
> 2.1. PR #837: 297 Deep Lookup Operator "??" and wildcard qualifier "::"
>    See PR [53]#837
>      * MK: General agreement that it's a good idea. Simply saying * to
>        select everything often gave too much, so I've proposed a qualifyer
>        using ::.
>           + ... Very often useful with a record test. This makes it very
>             similar to the way you select elements by name in a tree.
>           + ... Seemed equally useful for the "shallow" lookup.
>           + ... Deep lookup defines the concept of "recursive content"
>           + ... Do shallow lookup on maps and arrays.
>           + ... But there are no errors in this case
>      * DN: I find the idea really good, but I think it's underspecified
>        here. What exaclty is the type of the result? If the result is a
>        sequence that's not useful because the will flatten. So this should
>        be a sequence of singleton arrays, or maybe or an array of arrays.
>           + ... This needs to be specified, otherwise we're hanging in the
>             air.
>      * MK: Like "/" and "//", it's a flat map operator.
>      * DN: Then it's not useful.
>      * MK: There are two reasons for this, one is that it optimizes for
>        JSON which doesn't have multi-member sequences within things; empty
>        sequence is certainly a challenge here. The problem is that if you
>        try to return a structured result, you can't chain the operators
>        together. That becomes very unwieldy. This worked for the use cases
>        I tried it on.
>      * DN: With this issue, I don't think it's workable or useful.
>      * MK: It could do with presentation of more use cases and examples to
>        show how it is useful. Yes, those cases where you have arrays whose
>        members are sequences might need to be addressed differently.
>      * CG: I think there are a number of use cases with this syntax. But
>        you shouldn't imagine that you can do everything with this syntax.
>        You can use existing methods to traverse through complex nested
>        structures. But for simple lookups, this is really nice. This is
>        similar to what you can do with XML structures. These examples show
>        when this syntax is helpful, but clearly you can't do everything
>        with it.
>      * JL: I understand what DN is saying. If the return result was a
>        sequence of arrays, where every found thing, then you could have
>        sequences. If you then want to flatten it, you need a first stage
>        flattening of a sequence of arrays. Does * do that?
>      * MK: I think it's another ?* that does it. But a lot of the reason
>        for these operators are to avoid them.
>      * MSM: The :: operator feels like a simple kind of predicate.
>      * MK: Yes, it's essentially equivalent to [. instanceof ...] but it's
>        much shorter to write.
>      * MSM: Part of me wants to use square brackets, but I can see why we
>        can't.
>      * MK: It's exactly the same for axis steps; you can't do anything
>        with :: in an axis step that you couldn't do with a predicate.
>      * DN: I didn't understand what question MK was asking about ::.
>    MK points to LookupWildcard in
>      * DN: We have too many uses of question marks in the language. I'm
>        worried about how easy it is to mistype this. It's not like "/"
>        which is used just in path expressions.
>           + ... It seems a bit overwhelming to me.
>      * MK: You will get the same problem that you get with "/" and "//"
>        where users will use "??" instead of "?" just like they sometimes
>        use "//" without really understanding what it does.
>           + ... There are a lot of symbols that have multiple meanings.
>             The * has at least three distinct meanings. There's a limited
>             number of ASCII punctuation symbols so we live with that.
>           + ... The clear analogy between single and double / and single
>             and double ? helps.
>      * DN: The specification should make it very clear that the return
>        type is a flat sequence.
>    ACTION QT4CG-055-01: MK to clarify that the return type of the deep
>    lookup operator is a flat sequence.
>    Proposal: Accept this PR.
>      * DN: I object. I think this needs more work. Returning a flat
>        sequence destroys all nested structure.
>      * NW: Consensus seems to be in favor of adding it. DN, are you
>        willing to accept that consensus if your objection is clearly
>        noted?
>      * DN: Okay.
>    Accepted.
>      * DN: I'd like to see examples of implausible expressions. (I thought
>        they were connected to this PR, but maybe they aren't.)
>    They weren't part of this PR.
>    ACTION QT4CG-055-02: DN to open an issue requesting examples of
>    implausible expressions to clarify the spec
> 2.2. PR #832: 77 Add map:deep-update and array:deep-update
>    See PR [54]#832
>      * MK: I think this needs discussion. The aim here is to do something
>        where the appearance to the typical user is of something reasonably
>        intuitive and fairly clear, despite the fact that if you think
>        deeply about it, there is a lot of complexity under the hood.
>           + ... We don't have identity for maps and arrays which is
>             troubling.
>           + ... The 3.1 DM spec suggests that we might want to provide IDs
>             for maps and arrays to support update in the future.
>           + ... I have always thought we could avoid that, but you do need
>             some sort of transient notion of identity during the update to
>             "retrace your steps".
>           + ... The other thing to say is that this is very much based on
>             the model of "zipper" data structures which is used in
>             functional programming for a number of algorithms on lists,
>             graphs, and such-like.
>           + ... The idea is that the data structures are immutable so a
>             modification returns a new data structure. To do that, you
>             need at least a transient and local notion of identity so that
>             you can traverse the structure successfully.
>           + ... The other point about this relates to CG's comments. I've
>             defined this as a single higher-order function. My natural
>             instinct would probably be to define XQuery and XSLT for this,
>             but we can do that on top of the function. That's a next
>             stage: adding syntactic sugar on top. It's also possible that
>             we might need variants for doing "delete" and "insert".
>           + ... I think everything can be done with an update, but it
>             might be easier to be able to specify delete explicitly.
>      * MK: The other problem in defining it is that we don't have a
>        collective noun for maps and arrays. It would be convenient if
>        arrays could be treated as a special kind of map.
>           + ... There's a significant challenge in implementing this, but
>             one thing I've learned in twenty years of doing this exercise
>             is that it's better to make life difficult for the implementor
>             than the user.
>           + ... Acceptance of this does depend on demonstration of
>             feasibility.
>           + ... We've had an implementation of ideas long these lines in
>             Saxon for quite a while. They haven't been widely used, and
>             they aren't as complete as this proposal, but I think it
>             indicates that it's implementable.
>      * CG: I think that it's interesting to see that one function is
>        enough to do everything. I'm thinking of XQuery Update and this is
>        much simpler. Maps and arrays are much easier because we don't have
>        namespaces and such. I can still imagine that it could be helpful
>        to have at least a few update primitives.
>           + ... Another issue is that the syntax with function items could
>             be a primitive that we use to define better syntax. Many
>             people think in terms of special characters like in XQuery
>             Update.
>    CG shares his screen and walks through some of the examples he
>    describes in [55]issue #832.
>      * CG: The use of compact syntax for function chaining makes the
>        examples shorter, but some users that I showed it to didn't
>        understand it.
>           + ... Having delete and replace functions could help.
>           + ... We could also use an array to define the steps to
>             traverse.
>           + ... Using an array syntax does limit the kinds of queries that
>             you can do.
>      * DN: In 19.2.1, in op:deep-update, I think the change function
>        should accept item()*, not just item().
>      * MK: There is definitely an issue here about whether you do updates
>        at the level of individual items within the value of a sequence or
>        map or whether you do it on the value as a whole.
>           + ... There are use cases for doing both and I've had problems
>             combining them. This proposal currently just does it at the
>             item level.
>           + ... DN is absolutely right that there are use cases where this
>             isn't sufficient.
>      * DN: This is something that we need to work upon. I quite like the
>        proposal is a common approach. We shouldn't be influenced by the
>        fact that just the XQuery community is used to doing things a
>        certain way. We should be trying to unify everything.
>           + ... There are probably small changes that we could make to
>             improve the syntax.
>      * MK: Another thing that's worth looking at in this area is the
>        JSONPath specification.
>           + ... It provides a selector syntax for looking into maps and
>             arrays. The result is not just a value but also a path to a
>             value. That's like the annotations in here.
>      * RD: I was wondering if it would be worth updating the XQuery Update
>        spec to provide update syntax sugar on top of this.
>           + ... As CG mentioned, people are familiar with XQuery Update
>             expressions; being able to do that on maps and arrays would be
>             a nice extension to the current node facilities.
>           + ... That might be better than having two different ways.
>      * MSM: (thumbsup)
>      * MK: I don't think the semantic style of creating a pending update
>        list and applying it is appropriate. But syntactically, it would be
>        good.
>      * MSM: I just wanted to second what RD said and what I think CG said
>        earlier. I confess, I don't do use the update facility very often,
>        but I've learned to use it successfully and I think syntax has a
>        certain appeal. Parallels would be very helpful. It won't trouble
>        me if the syntax is the same but the semantics are quite different.
>        FWTIW.
>      * DN: I think we do need to have identity of values, even though that
>        should be invisible to the user. If you update one, you should
>        duplicate "shared" copies.
>      * MK: Conceptually, you have to create duplicates.
>    We're running out of time, but I hope that was useful.
> 3. Any other business?
>    None heard.
> 4. Adjourned
> References
>    1.
>    2.
>    3.
>    4.
>    5.
>    6.
>    7.
>    8.
>    9.
>   10.
>   11.
>   12.
>   13.
>   14.
>   15.
>   16.
>   17.
>   18.
>   19.
>   20.
>   21.
>   22.
>   23.
>   24.
>   25.
>   26.
>   27.
>   28.
>   29.
>   30.
>   31.
>   32.
>   33.
>   34.
>   35.
>   36.
>   37.
>   38.
>   39.
>   40.
>   41.
>   42.
>   43.
>   44.
>   45.
>   46.
>   47.
>   48.
>   49.
>   50.
>   51.
>   52.
>   53.
>   54.
>   55.
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm
> --
> Norm Tovey-Walsh
> Saxonica

Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2023 04:00:49 UTC