Re: “Packaging”

> The main thing i want from a packaging mechanism, and that needs to be
> incorporated into the planning early on, is automatic installation.

There’s *lots* that needs to be considered for a packaging standard. For
QT4CG, I think the key question is, can we do enough to prepare XQuery
and XSLT so that they’ll be able to use it *without* waiting for it to

(The answer may be, “no, we can’t” but I’m trying to be optimistic.)

> Automatic installation needs to include
> * automatic dependency installation, optionally interactively
> * automatic package updates
> * easy deployment of software that uses packages

Yes. These are all things that have to be possible when I run the
package install script, but that is emphatically out of scope for QT4CG.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Sunday, 12 November 2023 09:10:46 UTC