Re: Fighting with CI

Dimitre Novatchev <> writes:
>> It looks like PR 775 actually contained a markup error. I can’t now work
>>   out if I just didn’t notice that it hadn’t built correctly or if
>>   something else broke. I’m working on it.
> If this would be of any help, there was no such error in the branch after any of the pushes, and
> gradlew produced good results.
> Can I help with anything?

No, it’s all sorted out. (And apologies, I wasn’t trying to call you out
as being “at fault”.)

The fos:variable elements were before the fos:examples element rather
than inside them. That caused invalid markup to be generated. I can’t
explain how that occurred.

But it’s fixed, merged, and I’m working my way through the PRs!

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Tuesday, 7 November 2023 17:58:02 UTC