QT4 CG Agenda 036, 30 May 2023


Here is the proposed agenda for tomorrow’s CG meeting:


QT4 CG Meeting 036 Agenda 2023-05-30


   This meeting will be hosted on Zoom at 16:00BST (17:00CEST, 11:00EDT,

   See the [1]meeting logistics page for details.

1. Administrivia

1.1. Roll call

1.2. Approve the agenda

1.3. Approve minutes of previous meeting

   Minutes of [2]the previous meeting.

1.4. Next meeting

   This meeting is planned for 30 May, the following meeting is scheduled
   for 6 June.

   Any regrets for the following meeting?

1.5. Review of open action items [2/10]

   (Items marked [X] are believed to have been closed via email before
   this agenda was posted.)
     * [ ] QT4CG-002-10: BTW to coordinate some ideas about improving
       diversity in the group
     * [ ] QT4CG-016-08: RD to clarify how namespace comparisons are
     * [ ] QT4CG-026-01: MK to write a summary paper that outlines the
       decisions we need to make on "value sequences"
          + This is related to PR #368: Issue 129 - Context item
            generalized to context value and subsequent discussion.
     * [ ] QT4CG-029-01: RD+DN to draft spec prose for the "divide and
       conquer" approach outlined in issue #399
     * [ ] QT4CG-029-07: NW to open the next discussion of #397 with a
       demo from DN See PR [3]#449
     * [X] QT4CG-034-02: NW to check ExprSingle on PR #447 before merging
       this PR.
     * [X] QT4CG-034-03: NW to check why the diff for PR #447 is off the
       wrong base
     * [ ] QT4CG-035-01: CG to make a few more (slightly more complex)
       map:keys examples.
     * [ ] QT4CG-035-02: CG to fix the type signature and examples in
     * [ ] QT4CG-035-03: NW to attempt to draft a PR that allows xs:string
       to be promoted to xs:anyURI

1.6. Review of open pull requests

   The following PRs are open but have merge conflicts or comments which
   suggest they aren't ready for action.
     * PR [4]#491: Fix more examples in the FO 4.0 spec

   The following substantive PRs were open when this agenda was prepared.
     * PR [5]#525: 520: add function identity and use it in deep-equal
     * PR [6]#524: 503: reinstate focus functions
     * PR [7]#521: 518: Add transitive-closure() function
     * PR [8]#512: 256: Context for default function parameter expressions
     * PR [9]#368: 129: Context item generalized to context value

   The following editorial or otherwise minor PRs were open when this
   agenda was prepared. The chair proposes that these can be merged
   without discussion. If you think discussion is necessary, please say
     * PR [10]#527: Editorial: more corrections to F+O examples
     * PR [11]#519: 237: Revise tokenisation appendix

   The following PRs appear to be candidates for a future XSLT-focussed
     * PR [12]#470: 369 add fixed-prefixes attribute in XSLT
     * PR [13]#412: 409, QT4CG-027-01: xsl:next-match

2. Technical Agenda

2.1. Issue #414: Lift character set restriction of xs:string

     * See Issue [14]#414. There was a lot of discussion of this issue
       last week. MK has followed-up with [15]a comment that proposes a
       way forword. I propose a ten minute time-boxed discussion to answer
       the question: shall we direct someone to write a PR along the lines
       MK suggests?

2.2. PR #525: 520: add function identity and use it in deep-equal

     * See PR [16]#525

2.3. PR #524: 503: reinstate focus functions

     * See PR [17]#524

2.4. PR #521: 518: Add transitive-closure() function

     * See PR [18]#521

2.5. PR #512: 256: Context for default function parameter expressions

     * See PR [19]#512

2.6. PR #368: 129: Context item generalized to context value

     * See PR [20]#368

3. Any other business


   1. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/logistics.html
   2. https://qt4cg.org/meeting/minutes/2023/05-23.html
   3. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-449
   4. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-454
   5. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-525
   6. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-524
   7. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-521
   8. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-512
   9. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-368
  10. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-527
  11. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-519
  12. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-470
  13. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-412
  14. https://github.com/qt4cg/qtspecs/issues/414
  15. https://github.com/qt4cg/qtspecs/issues/414#issuecomment-1559849803
  16. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-525
  17. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-524
  18. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-521
  19. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-512
  20. https://qt4cg.org/dashboard/#pr-368

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Monday, 29 May 2023 07:59:37 UTC