AW: QT4 CG Agenda 034, 16 May 2023

I have completed QT4CG-034-01 (

To reduce conflicts, and if no one objects, it would be great if we could merge the following PRs and possibly others:

#510: 471 (3): Render false/true/NaN/INF/-INF/+INF as code 
#509: 471 (2): Remove more fn: prefixes 
#507: 125: Rename array:partition as fn:partition
#483: 452: window: make 'start' and 'when' optional
#455: 410: Converting doubles to decimals, fractional digits
#447: 435, 53, 436: lambda expressions, thin arrows

Thanks all,

Received on Thursday, 18 May 2023 16:31:31 UTC