Proposal: merge some straightforward PRs

Hi folks,

We’re not meeting this week and there are a few PRs queued up that look
like they could be closed without discussion. Christian proposes closing
#475 to minimize merge conflicts with other PRs. I think that’s a good

If there are no objections in the next day or so, I propose that we
merge each of these PRs:

#482: 473: NaN Comparisons (bug fix)
#478: 467: map:keys-where
#477: 63: array:slice (editorial)
#476: array:values
#475: 471: fn: prefix removed from function calls in the examples
#472: 321: Add new note and examples demonstrating adaptive serialization method
#468: 325 Update operator precedence table 
#462: 434: Added examples for parse-integer() 

I believe all have the approval of at least one CG member in addition to
the author and all seem straightforward (to me).

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Monday, 8 May 2023 08:29:47 UTC