Re: Testing parse-html

The HTML itself and per-browser parser changes are going through the next
wave of changes.
On HTML groups at this moment there is a huge amount of debates on what
would need to be changed and how new changes fit into HTML including
There is a little sample of bigger discussion: nested FORM tags elimination

My bet there would be period of parsers mismatch between browsers which
would make browser compatibility more important then following single

I.e. cross-browser parser compatibility is a requirement for tech stack
adoption. @web/test-runner-playwright
gives cross-browser test runner.


On Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 4:06 PM Michael Kay <> wrote:

> I've just been running a few new tests on our existing parse-html()
> function on SaxonJ (built on TagSoup) and SaxonCS (built on
> HtmlAgilityPack) and reallising how different they are. I suspect that
> getting a good level of interoperability (and tests to prove it) for
> fn:parse-html is going to be challenging!
> Is there an HTML5 test suite we can build on?
> Michael Kay
> Saxonica

Received on Monday, 2 January 2023 18:50:20 UTC