AW: Issues recommended for closure

…just in case this will be discussed tomorrow: I’d be glad to see all issues closed.

Von: Michael Kay <>
Gesendet: Montag, 20. Februar 2023 17:16
Betreff: Issues recommended for closure

Could I ask for an agenda item to close the following issues with no action, for the reasons stated:

#45 - second parameter of fn:sum must be neutral element

Rationale: this cannot be done while preserving compatibility, and the requirement is not strong enough to justify a new function.

#60 - namespace-uri-for-prefix() no longer allows passing a string

Rationale: the new coercion rules mean that a supplied string will be down-cast, so there is no compatibility issue - except possibly for the error code

#112: allow $map?function() in place of map:function($map)

Rationale: the original proposal introduced an ambiguity, and subsequent discussion on the issue did not converge on a proposal that might achieve consensus

#147: terse syntax for map entries

Rationale: the discussion showed no signs of converging on a proposal that might achieve consensus

#260: array:index-of

Rationale: the proposed function is essentially indistinguishable from array:index-where

Michael Kay

Received on Monday, 20 February 2023 16:26:50 UTC