Re: QT4 CG Meeting 005 Minutes, Action QT4CG-003-03

>     * [ ] QT4CG-003-03: NW to tweak the CSS for function signatures to avoid
>       line breaks on - characters.

I think we should probably move to a tabular presentation for all function signatures, and make it incorporate default values. Consider fn:format-integer. I think this should now be rendered something like:

    $value           as xs:integer?,
    $picture         as xs:string,
    $lang            as xs:string           := fn:default-language()
) as xs:string

So, I'm suggesting a three-column pseudo-tabular layout used consistently, with the default values being shown in the third column. (At the moment, if a default value is present in the fos:proto, then it's rendered textually, see for example fn:node-name.

Perhaps we make an exception for a zero-arity function, where it makes sense to combine the first and last lines into one.
Perhaps there could also be some visual clue to distinguish mandatory and optional arguments, e.g. mandatory arguments in bold.

I'm assuming that at some stage we'll change the function catalog to merge the current two fos:proto entries for format-integer into one,
with the third argument acquiring a default value. There may still be a handful of functions where multiple signatures are needed, but I can't immediately think of any examples.

Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2022 08:37:43 UTC